Games on the local network and the future of computers
For three incomplete decades of its developmentcomputer games have grown from rough and simple handicrafts into a large-scale industry, which can quite compete in popularity with cinematography. And today in a close circle of friends there is nothing better than playing on the local network, capable of capturing the company for a few hours.
At the very beginning of his journey, computer games inmostly were designed for one person who performed the simplest actions to advance to the final level. Despite the significant success of even such antediluvian projects, the main drawback of the entertainment then created was the impossibility of simultaneous participation of several people. After all, any action becomes at times more interesting, acquiring a competitive nature. Naturally, immediately after its appearance, games on the local network won well-deserved attention. They attracted more and more gamers.
Nowadays, games on the local network have lostthe dominant position, but still have a considerable influence on the development and evolution of igrostroi. A lot of modern projects include both single and network transmission modes. Often this is realized through the introduction of several game characters, equally affecting the development of the plot. The player can choose the hero you like, while the other participants will be controlled by artificial intelligence. But this role can take on and the real people who will have to work together to advance the story.
Games on the local network to pass thoughunique in its kind, are still not so valuable, because developers have to create different missions for individual characters. Therefore, a player may not see part of the content intended for another hero.
Noteworthy is the fact that the best games onThe local network gives participants the opportunity to work together, advancing through team action to the goal, and to test their skills in all sorts of knockout trials. For example, in Minecraft you can join forces with other inhabitants of the world, increasing the chances of survival against aggressive monsters and speeding up erection of buildings, or declaring war on the players, stealing and killing them.
All games on the local network without exception requireavailability of certain programs that allow communication between the two gaming platforms. There are many competing services, but the best is Hamachi, which allows you to create several rooms designed to support networks for different games on the same computer.

Games on the local network can boast of moreone significant advantage. Since the idea of sharing (regardless of the positions of the players in relation to each other) is flexible enough, almost all existing genres, from strategies to first person shooters, are involved in this global grouping policy of players.
Despite the listed advantages, games onThe local network still has one significant drawback, which can not be overlooked. The number of participants is always strictly limited, it varies from two to fifty players. Large loads without the occurrence of significant lags (braking, server response delays) are impossible due to a certain limit of the capabilities of computer networks.
Given the growing number of diverseonline services that unite more and more people, computers will develop not only in the direction of technologies for creating an ideal virtual reality, but also the connection of several hundred players in the newly-formed world.