/ / Informatization is ... Or how not to confuse with computerization

Informatization is ... Or how not to confuse with computerization

Informatization and computerization processessociety continue to be one of the most important public tasks aimed at the development of modern society and man. However, computerization and informatization - what is it? Why do some people confuse them? These two concepts are very similar, but continue to exist independently of each other.


To understand the difference, let's startConsider the issue with a narrower concept. After all, informatization of society is a process that includes a whole set of procedures and activities, including computerization.

informatization is

So, computerization.

  • In the main meaning is the process of introduction and distribution of electronic computing in all aspects of human life.
  • The process that characterizes the spread of computer technology in all branches of production and economy.
  • Introduction of computers in the economic field.

As you can understand, this process is inseparableis connected with IT-technologies and their distribution. Thus, it is clear that the process of computerization is more narrow and concretized than informatization. What is it - we will consider further.


Before entering the definition of informatization,let's find out the origin of this word, or rather - what it means in a general sense. It is worth mentioning immediately that informatization is quite a specific concept, characteristic for such countries as Russia and China. Despite the fact that the process of computerization in them was quite rapid, individual structures with computer workers remained isolated, and only specialists could work with them. Also, informatization is a concept that emerged as a result of the absence of a sufficient number of terms and definitions in the vocabulary of the society. In this regard, the lack of communication between the computerized nodes and society has become a brake on the development of the community.

informatization what it is

The concept of

Informatization is a process, a policy,organizational measures aimed at improving the telecommunications system, which unites independent, territorially disparate information resources. This process is based on cybernetic methods and automated controls. Informatization is a consequence of the development of information technology and the technological mode of production in the postindustrial. The necessity of this process is determined by the desire of any person for self-improvement and knowledge of the world around him.

Informatization is a process

Informatization of society

Informatization is not only and not so muchtechnical process, how much social and cultural. This is due to the development and growth of living standards of the population. And also by changing the conditions, needs, aspects of the existence of an individual. The process of informatization is aimed at facilitating the existence of each person, eliminating computer illiteracy, increasing skills in the use of information technology. For example, the installation of a terminal for payment of utilities is computerization. But its installation in conjunction with the conduct of courses (training seminar) on its use is already informatization.

Informatization of society is a process


In any social or cultural processthere must be a goal. In our case, the goal of informatization is to redirect the driving forces of society to the production of information products and services, rather than production. In the information society, knowledge and skills aimed at working with information technologies acquire great value. Free time becomes an end in itself. To achieve the goals, the material and technical base is changing, the key places are managed and automated information systems that are created and developed on the basis of computer technologies and networks. The most demanded from people is the intellect.

informatization what it is

Computerization in Informatization

Since informatization is a cumulative anda multifaceted process, it can highlight some aspects. Computerization is a key component. On the computer base, the whole society and systems develop. As informatization remains the engine of progress in society, the need for computerization of society will always remain relevant.

To ensure the availability of computer technology, new multimedia tools are developed every day, as well as simplified interfaces for user interaction.

The main sources of communication in the modernpublic networks and the Internet. Programs are implemented to ensure accessibility to a free connection, which allows each person at any time to access the information system.

In the information society, each person can be assessed by the level of information culture. The degree of development in this direction depends on the following parameters:

  • Availability of knowledge about the information structure, as well as the device of a personal computer and software.
  • The ability to simulate and solve problems using a computer.
  • Speed ​​of printing and interaction with PC.
  • Work with office programs, not toys.
  • Ability to work with databases.
  • Ability to work with information on the network.
  • Ability to observe decency, ethics when communicating on the Internet.

These parameters allow us to assess a person how much he is ready for the further process of informatization and the development of society.

And in conclusion it is necessary to mention thatInformatization is not only positive. Under the guise of "truthful" information, the public is presented with various "garbage" in the form of advertising. Politicians are fighting for power with the help of black PR, and international relations have reached a new level due to the conduct of a new type of war - information.

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