/ / Coder is ... Coder: description, functions and features

Coder is ... Coder: description, functions and features

In Russian there appeared so many words forthe last 20 years, that it's simply impossible to know them all. With the active development of the Internet, new professions began to emerge. And people of different specialties can work on the same business. Of course, an ordinary person does not have to understand everything in a row. Especially in that it is not interesting. But if you are somehow connected with programming, you definitely want to know what a coder is.


On the one hand, the question of the difference betweenspecialty coder and programmer can be considered contrived. No problem at first sight. But if you look closer to them, it becomes clear why so often these two professions are confused.

coder it

In many respects the inaccuracy of formulations and translationsis connected with English-speaking concepts. With this now faces the whole array of new-fangled words that come to Russian. One thing begins to appear a huge number of names, and it becomes incomprehensible, before us the computer case, the system unit or the chassis.

The same thing happens with the professions. The problem became especially acute with specialties connected with computers. It is interesting that even now there can be a skirmish in the dispute about the encoder and the programmer. What is the difference between these specialties, everyone can decide for himself.

Two camps

Inaccuracy of the definitions of these words appeared inmid-2000's. So it was possible to single out two opposing camps. They argued at each forum, proving their case. In fact, we have received polemicists who believe that programmers are people who work with code and architecture. From here it is possible to draw a logical conclusion that the coder and the programmer are synonymous trades.

Representatives of the second camp felt somewhat differently. In their opinion, the programmer is an advanced specialist, who can be called an architect. But the coder is an entry level programmer.

what is an encoder

The second opinion gives the right to assert thatthe programmer is considered to be the main person who develops and creates algorithms for the program to work, and the coder simply performs all the plans.


These are the two most common opinions, towhich could come to the inhabitants of the Internet. The main problem is that it's extremely difficult to separate the encoder and the programmer. Often they perform both the first and second tasks. This situation remotely resembles an editor and proofreader. When it is obvious that the first is the leader who is working on the publication on all fronts, and the second - corrects errors in the text. But recently the editor often turns into a proofreader in combination, especially if you need to cut staff and save.

The same story happens with the programmer, who often not only develops algorithms, but also implements them as an encoder.


Of course, it would be foolish to believe that forum users andhabitues of the Internet are ideally divided into two camps. There were those who put forward their own crazy theories. They should be briefly mentioned. So, in the pursuit of a single definition, there were offensive and not very interpretations.

coder or programmer

The encoder is a burglar alarm. This strange opinion was found on the net. It's not difficult to guess that the explanation of this specialty is offensive enough. Some thought that the coder is not a professional of his business. He only "suffers" over the unoptimized code, which he writes with errors. The encoder does not have any experience, he is an imaginative programmer who does not teach.


Another view has already been described earlier, but inother wording. The creator is called the programmer, but the artisan is the encoder. Perhaps the interpretation and would have the right to life, but there is one snag. Rarely the work of a programmer can be called creativity. Creators are designers, artists, musicians. Programmers write codes, try to please the customer, realize his tasks, etc. Of course, it happens that the programmer becomes the head of one of the departments, then he works on creative tasks. But a staff specialist usually performs a monotonous job.

If you are convinced that programming iscreativity, so be it. But then to deny that the coder is engaged in this same creativity, it is meaningless. After all, both specialists work on one object - the code.


In order not to be confused in opinions and decide what the coderdifferent from the programmer, you can go on the other side. As mentioned above, these are two borrowed words. Hence, they have a translation, which will give clear definitions.

The encoder is different from the programmer

It turns out that English does not help much insolution of this issue. Whether it's "programmer", "coder" or "developer", in Russian it still turns out that it's a programmer. That is, from a linguistic point of view, these are synonyms.

There is an assumption that initially the word "coder"began to be used, because it is shorter and easier and faster to write. And we know that the Russian language is trying to become simpler. So the concepts of "coder" and "programmer" merged at the same time.


In general, the problem of the Russian language is just inThe fact that often it appears words that have no practical meaning. That is, there was a programmer, did not touch anyone, and suddenly, the word became difficult to write, and decided to use its synonym "coder". This is a simple replacement of words, which did not bring a new concept into the language, but merely simplified the existing one.

In support of this view, we can recallabout using the "programmer". It turns out that some users decided for themselves that it's right to use the name of this profession. In the end, we get what people have recently used either familiar words or newfangled words.

Qualification level

Since the translation from English does not give anynew facts of using these words, we return to the previous opinion. An encoder or programmer has different qualifications. This is the most common division of specialties. It turns out that the coder is considered to be the lowest category programmer.

coder and programmer what's the difference

In fact, this conviction will not work. But there were reports that there was a standard that allowed all programmers to be divided into four qualification groups. The first came probationers, coders, junior programmers and developers. In the second there were engineers and programmers. In the third placed senior developers and programmers, as well as engineers. In the latter was the leading programmer, senior specialist and chief engineer.

Interestingly, for each group were registeredrequirements and tasks. But there was another problem - there is no encoder in the list. For that is the encoder. Again a clash of two synonymous concepts that could be divided into two camps.

In general, the encoder and coder are not justsynonyms. This is one and the same concept, because the first and second in English will be "coder". So, we return again to the fact that the coder is just a performer, and the programmer is the ideological inspirer and in some cases the leader.

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