/ / How to be invisible "VKontakte"? 3 effective ways

How to be invisible "VKontakte"? 3 effective ways

how to be invisible Vkontakte
How to be invisible "VKontakte"? If you are looking for the answer to this question, then this article will help you in this. The invisible mode "VKontakte", as such, is absent, but there is an opportunity, using software, to use the site absolutely unnoticed. Are they intrigued? Then all in order.

How to be invisible "VKontakte?"

You, probably, will be surprised if you find out thatThere are as many as three ways that can hide your presence on the site. Which of them is the most effective - decide for yourself, as they all perform the main function, and whether it is convenient or, on the contrary, it causes a lot of inconvenience - it is a purely individual matter. Below in this article you will find a detailed description of each of the ways

Refuse to visit the main page

The site system "VKontakte" fixes the presence of the user in those moments when he:

  • click on the link "My page" (that is, go to the main page);
    Invisible mode Vkontakte
  • visits other users.

If we exclude these two actions, we canquietly use the site in offline mode. What can I do with this? Everything is the same: listening to music, running applications, watching video files and so on.

Use special programs

If you are interested in how to be invisible"VKontakte", then refer to the help of third-party software. For example, you can use the program "Vklife", which has the function of hidden visiting the site. Please note that the administration of the social network "VKontakte", after discovering that you are using additional software, can freeze your page for "suspicious activity on it." If you are ready to take such a risk, then safely use this program and its many analogues. There are no bans to visit your home page and other people's accounts.

Customize your browser

how to become invisible vkontakte
Modern programs for access to the Internetallow for a certain configuration not to detect the user when he is on the site. Let's find out what settings need to be done so that the most popular browsers can realize a dream and help us in the matter of how to be invisible "VKontakte".

  • Mozilla. Open the program and immediately write to the line for the address command "about: config", which allows you to get instant access to the required settings. Next, you will see a huge list of values. You need to find one thing. In order not to do it manually, use the search (it's located at the top of the page) and write "network.http.redirection-limit". Once this value is found, click on it two times with the mouse or press the "Enter" key and change the value to 0.
  • Opera. We go into the browser and immediately go to the "Settings" section. We are interested in the "Network" parameter. It is necessary to remove the tick from the sub-item "Automatic redirection".

Note that the browser with similar settingsshould be used only for the site "VKontakte", because when you visit other web resources, nothing but an error on the screen you will not see. To return the values ​​to their original position, you must do the same. In the first case, replace "0" with "50".

We hope that it became clear to you how to become invisible "VKontakte", and our article was useful to you!

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