/ / Details on how to change the date in Ubuntu

Details on how to change the date in Ubuntu

Today we decided to consider in detail the issue,which concerns Linux, and the conversation will be about how to change the date in Ubuntu, because many users, especially those who install this operating system, often try to find a solution to this problem. At once I would like to please you with the fact that currently there are several ways that will help to solve this issue, and each of them we will consider in detail.

Graphical interface

how to change the date in ubuntu
The first variant of solving the problem, how to change the datein Ubuntu, is the most common, because it is chosen by a large number of users, and the essence of it is that all the processes you will produce through the graphical interface. Of course, it is difficult for a newcomer to make all the necessary settings himself, so below we will give you a detailed instruction. So, the most basic rule in the first method is that you need to follow a given sequence. Carefully read the instruction on this method, after which it is already possible to proceed to the actions. If you have a standard version of the Ubuntu GUI, in this case, the setting will be done in a special applet with the same name.


ubuntu time and date
You need to right-click on theindicator, and before you should be shown a context menu. Your task is to go to the parameters section in order to adjust the date and time. By the way, I would like to mention at once that when you update Ubuntu, you will need to perform manual configuration in accordance with one of the methods given by us. After you get to the options section, you will see various tabs with settings before you. To make the necessary transformations, go to the tab "Time settings". If all of you followed the above instructions, in this case you should open a new window. In it, you will be able to independently set the correct date and time. Do not forget to take another important step. After deciding how to change the date in Ubuntu through the settings, you must save the settings after the change, otherwise they will not take effect.

Command line

In Ubuntu, the time and date can also be changed andusing a special console. Now we will consider this method in detail. The first thing you should do is run the console itself. Further in it it is necessary to enter the special value "sudo date -s 21:00". Using this method, you can change the system time very quickly, and you do not even need to use the mouse or open additional windows. I also wanted to say that this approach is simple, because in just a few clicks you can set the correct parameters in the operating system.

the confirmation

ubuntu update
Let's analyze the words that are necessaryenter in the console. The special sudo command notifies the system that all subsequent tasks will be performed by the superuser. Naturally, for the settings to take effect, you need to know the password, otherwise the parameters will simply not be saved. It is also important to remember that this code can not be set by default. Each user specifies this security password when installing the operating system. Therefore, if you decide to reinstall the OS, we recommend that you write down all the data that you enter, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to know this parameter. Now you know two simple ways how to change the date in Ubuntu, and you just have to choose the most suitable one. That's all the advice. Thank you for your attention.

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