/ / How to make memes and is it worth it?

How to make memes and is it worth it?

Communication through the Internet has long since reached a new level, and it is not so easy for a newcomer to understand what his interlocutor is talking about.

What brought the Network into our lives?

For each, the Network has become a source of "its"information. Someone found the necessary book, someone learned to impose make-up with the help of video blogs on the theme of beauty. Some lucky people managed to make an acquaintance, which led to a meeting and mutual love ...

how to make memes

But most of all we like casual anonymous communication, which led to the appearance of memes. Make a meme (picture) is really not that difficult. Only here is it necessary?

The appearance of memes led to many factors: free access to information, a relaxed communication format and often a lack of responsibility for what has been said. Between experienced Internet users, memes become peculiar jokes, understood only by a narrow circle of people. But with the proliferation and popularization of this phenomenon, a natural question is increasingly emerging: how to make memes?

Perhaps, with the emergence of the Internet appeared andQuestions that only its users can answer. The question of how to make memes can puzzle an experienced journalist, although the answer to it is known to an ordinary schoolboy - a user of anonymous forums and social networks. The reason for this is related to a different understanding of the definition of a meme. Two notions should be distinguished: scientific and the phenomenon of a meme in the form of a "mediavirus".

How to make memes if there is no sensation?

Under the meme in a broader concept, adopted inscientific circles, means a block of information transmitted through speech, writing, rituals - any kind of activity peculiar to Homo sapiens. A feature of such blocks of information is the ability to replicate (repeat, copy). But more often in the Internet environment is considered the media-based form of the meme, based on sensationalism and the rapid dissemination of content due to the possibilities of the Internet. There are also memes created on ordinary user memogenerators. However, it's worth a try!

make meme with your picture

Ways to create a virus-content (memes)
Content typeMethod of creation
Image with an inscriptionSpecialized Internet resources (memogenerators), use of graphic editors (Corel Draw, Photoshop).
Gif-picture (animated)Many popular webhosts have a "create Gif" function. Programs for creating and editing Gif (Gif animator).
VideoSelf-shot, capture video with special software (Ashampoo snap, Movavi).

Let's consider the given data in more details.

  • Picture with an inscription. In the correspondence of users of social networks, alloften began to appear pictures and comics, as a rule, a humorous nature. Despite the presence of a large number of similar images on the Web, many prefer to create "masterpieces" on their own. For this, as a rule, special websites are used, on which there are ready templates for the development of such content. The user simply needs to go to such a resource (memogenerator) and enter the required text in the designated fields. After that, the finished image can be downloaded to a computer or saved in a data cloud. Those who wish to insert their image or somehow modify the picture, you will need to use a graphical editor.
  • Gif-picture. Also a frequent phenomenon in the correspondence, especially inimageboards. Like a snippet of video users, as a rule, they capture using the interface "Create Gif" built into the video hosting. If such opportunities are not provided, then the video should be downloaded and converted to Gif. To do this, use special programs or sites for instant video conversion. It should be remembered that the size of Gif-animation is quite large, it is several times larger than the size of the original video. In addition, playback of files of this format is not provided on some devices.
  • Video. In connection with the increase in speedInternet connections in most regions, many prefer to share their favorite viral video. To do this the easiest way is by using the "Share" button, built into most video sharing interfaces. Self-shot video is also pre-uploaded to the hosting and then sent to the user or target audience.

It should be remembered that the information copied is notmust have a brightly colored offensive character. Most "meme-stars", as a rule, regret that they became known due to this way of disseminating information. That's why not everyone will risk making a meme with his picture or his own photo and put it on the web. However, advertisers have already taken note of this way of disseminating information, and in everyday life you can see the beginnings of viral marketing.

The Internet judges mercilessly!

In most cases, memes reflect the reaction of the Internet community to a particular phenomenon, a problem.

make a meme picture

Such blocks of information are spontaneous andtemporary and are given to a kind of "court of the public". In other words, if a person sees another picture or a joke in the comments or the favorite public, it means that she once "passed the trial" and became a kind of public domain.

The benefits and harms of media virus memes

How to make memes useful and safe forsociety? Striving to organize an information boom, many forget about the moral and ethical component. Other connoisseurs of black humor in their satirical work offend individuals, groups, and often entire nations. Outbreaks of such immoral humor occur frequently, and it is difficult to find the guilty because of the anonymity of the Web.

In the Internet environment memes are only mirrors,reflecting the situation in the world. And if the moral and ethical mood of people becomes more favorable, then this will necessarily affect both the Internet and our whole life in general!

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