Skinny Body Care: work, reviews, features
Network marketing in Russia extends fromtremendous speed. His popularity is due to the ability to quickly make big money without spending a lot of effort and money on it. Skinny Body Care - marketing. It appeared five years ago and already has its branches in Europe and Australia.
What is it
Work in Skinny Body Care (reviews about the company below) involves the sale of products for weight loss and self-care, as well as the search for new participants to build a marketing network.
Skinny Body Care is an MLM company that produces a small range of products. It includes:
- Ageless Anti-Aging - serum for the preservation and recovery of youth of the skin of the face;
- Skinny Fiber - capsules for weight loss (BAA);
- Ageless - a means for the skin from wrinkles and age spots.
The company has a great rating, it has more than a hundredpartner countries, including Russia. Capsules for weight loss are 100% natural ingredients. The manufacturer emphasizes that they can be used without diets and exercises, and also do not limit your daily diet.
Rejuvenating anti-aging serum alsohas a natural composition. In 2012, this product was recognized as the best cosmetic anti-aging agent in the United States. Serum consists of aloe, a mixture of citrus, elastin, collagen, panthenol and other nutrients.
Principle of operation
Anyone who has encountered this marketingthe company know that working in Skinny Body Care, and the reviews confirm this, is not the best way to quickly enrich itself. If you want to try your hand at the company, fill out the registration form on the official website, make an initial payment.
Then you need to purchase goods ata certain amount that the company offers. In order to build your network and start earning, it is important to involve as many people as possible and invite them to register. A built-up network will bring profit in the event that each of its participants sells products.
In addition, all newcomers must be trained. The company provides paid and free video materials for trainings and seminars. If a participant has already been invited by a registered user, the training materials are provided free of charge.
In order to start working in the company, you need to study the products at Skinny Body Contraindications to use - individual intolerance of components and allergic reactions.
Capsules for weight loss Skinny Fiber - this is nota biologically active additive. It is effective only in combination with dietary nutrition and exercise, although the manufacturer claims the opposite. Cosmetic products have a curative effect due to active substances in the composition. For example, Ageless brightens or completely removes pigment spots, and also smoothes fine wrinkles.
On the other hand, the company's products are not cheap, so you can always find an alternative.
Skinny Body Care - work that requires a participanta certain character warehouse, the ability to sell and even impose a product on the buyer. You can earn money here if you set this goal and go to it, overcoming obstacles. Ideally, it suits people who have extra money for investment, communicative and sociable personalities. To everyone who dreams of realizing themselves in the MLM business and achieving success.
The company provides work to all comers. She can devote her free time or make her the main source of income. The advantages of the marketing company include: additional earnings, freedom of action, lack of immediate superiors, personal growth.
Work in Skinny Body Care (reviews mostlynegative) - business is not for everyone. This company is not something new, arose recently. Marketing networks are widespread. One of the most famous in Russia is Avon and Faberlic. As for Skinny Body Kei, it did not inspire confidence in users. The minuses of the network include large fees, which must be paid monthly. The registration fee is five thousand rubles.
In order to start working, it should beBuy the company's goods for a certain amount, as well as offer an assortment to potential buyers. From the participant it is required to build own network, to invite to be registered on an official site. The big drawback of this MLM-company:
- lean assortment;
- there is no certificate for products;
- For possible side effects the seller will answer.
If a registered user has no income within a month or he has gone into negative territory, he will have to pay the company's debt.
Should I contact Skinny Body Care? Reviews say that many who started working in the MLM business are quickly disappointed. This is a fraud, earnings are very small or absent altogether. In addition, new participants require initial contributions, the company's products are untested, there are no quality certificates on it, and the network construction system is strange and incomprehensible. In order to register, you need to pay a considerable amount. The company is a marketing pyramid, raspiarennuyu on the Internet with a positive side.
Work in Skinny Body Care involves deceptionbuyers. The new user needs to sell the slimming product provided by the company and invite new participants to work. Of sales and make a salary. By cons also include a cleverly composed marketing plan and monthly fees, regardless of whether or not there is revenue.
To the merits of working in Skinny Body Care reviewsusers include a good, but a small assortment, an understandable work plan, some liked the capsule for weight loss and a facial. Work in the company is an additional incentive to lose weight.