/ / How to remove from the blacklist in "Classmates": tips and tricks

How to remove from the blacklist in "Classmates": tips and tricks

How to remove from the blacklist in "Classmates"? We will have to deal with this issue further. In fact, even a schoolboy will be able to find the answer. Managing the black list in "OK" takes a minimum of time and effort. And no special knowledge is required to the user. Below we will consider all ways to remove a person from the so-called "ignore".

how to remove from the black list in classmates

About the blacklist

But before you remove from the blacklist in "Classmates", the user should think about whether to do so. After adding a user to "ignore" implies some limitations.


  • Inability to visit the page of the person who blocked the user;
  • lack of rights to send messages to a specific person.

If you want to resume communication, you will first have to get a person from the blacklist. There are many ways to do this. Which ones?

On a PC

Let's start with the simplest approach - removing from the computer. How to remove from the user's black list?

This will require:

  1. Go to "Classmates" in your profile.
  2. Scroll the page to the very end.
  3. Click on the "Black list".
  4. Click on the "Delete" button near the icon of the corresponding user.

Done! Now it is clear how to remove from the black list in "Classmates". This is only one possible scenario. What else is offered to social network users?

how in classmates to remove a person's black list

Via the menu

For example, you can act witha special navigation menu. This technique is somewhat reminiscent of the previous alignment. The difference is that the blacklist is included in different ways. There are no more significant differences in the methods.

How to remove a person from the blacklist in "Classmates"? To do this you need:

  1. Go to your profile in the social network.
  2. At the top of the window, click the "More" button.
  3. Go to the "Black list" section.
  4. Repeat the last step from the previous instruction.

In fact, everything is not so difficult. But that's not all. Modern users can manage the black list in "OK" by different methods.

Through the application

The next device is not in great demand, but it still takes place. How to remove a friend from the black list? "Classmates" offer to translate the idea into reality directly from the user's questionnaire.

how to remove from the black list

The manual for cleaning the "blacklist" is as follows:

  1. Log in to your profile.
  2. Any known way to go into the profile of the person added to the black list.
  3. Click on the avatar to open a special menu.
  4. Select the command "Delete from black list".
  5. Confirm the operation.

Just a few seconds after the actions are done, the user will be unlocked. No difficulties arise from this method.

Mass delete

We found out how to remove a person from the black list in the "OK". Is it possible to massively clean the corresponding menu item?

Unfortunately no. The point is that for a complete purification of the blacklist will have to remove people from there in turn. Multiple users at once can not be removed. It is for this reason that it is recommended that you regularly check your "blacklist" and clean it.

Mobile platforms

Somewhat you will have to act ifthe user decided to implement the idea on a mobile platform. More precisely, through a specialized application for phones. If you plan to clean the "blacklist" using a browser, the previously learned recommendations will work.

In the case of working with a special application for mobile phones, you need:

  1. Enter the program "OK" for the smartphone.
  2. Log in using your login and password.
  3. Click on the button with three horizontal lines in the upper left corner.
  4. Open the "Settings" section.
  5. Click on its name.
  6. Click on the "Black list" section.
  7. In the upper right corner of the line with the desired user, press the button with three dots.
  8. Select the option "Delete".
  9. Confirm the procedure.

Now it is clear how to remove from the black list in "Classmates". All of the above techniques work equally well. Users can use any instruction we learned earlier.

How to remove a friend from the black list

Can I clean the blacklist through specialapplication? No. The bulk of these programs - fraud. They are recommended to be avoided. After cleaning the black list is a fairly simple procedure. And even a novice user can cope with the task.

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