How to make a transparent picture in Photoshop?
How to make a transparent image in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor? Nothing is easier! Enough basic knowledge of the basics of working with the program. This will be discussed in the article.
How to make a transparent background for a picture in Photoshop
The first step is, in fact, to open theimage editor, then create a new file for work by clicking File, then New and selecting the type of background settings (Background Contents) Transparent.

Before us is a file with a transparent background. It remains to "put" the image with the top layer and save it in the right way.
Move image
To do this, open any readyimage using the File and Open menus, and from the opened window select the desired image and click "Open". Now you need to use the Quick Selection Tool (quickly select it using the W key) and select the desired image fragment to transfer to a file with a transparent background. This can be done in two ways:
- Select the desired fragment, copy (Edit - Copy) and paste (Edit - Paste) into the image with a transparent background, created earlier.
- Select the background, then invert the selection (right click on the selected area, then select Select Inverse), copy and paste it into the desired file with a transparent background.
Copied? Now you need to select File - Save as ... (Save as). In Photoshop, you can make a transparent background of the image by saving the file in PSD format. It is designed for Adobe Pshotoshop itself, allows you to further edit the image, make the necessary edits.

If you save in GIF or PNG format it will be difficult, you can make corrections after, but the background will be transparent.
How to make a transparent picture in Adobe Photoshop
To make the image in "Photoshop" transparent,you need to do all the same manipulations that were described above, with one exception: you will need to create a new layer and copy the selected image fragment already.
How to make a transparent picture? It's all very simple. You need to find the Opacity menu item above the layer menu and move the slider to the right and left to set the desired level. The closer the mark to zero percent, the more transparent the image will be. Having set the desired value, you need to save the picture, as described above, by selecting the format.
Select the part of the picture
If the question arises as to how to make a partimages are transparent, not all, you can safely answer that there is nothing easier. It is necessary to mark the necessary part of the picture with the help of the selection tool Quick Selection Tool mentioned above and set the appropriate settings for the selected area.

After manipulating the creation of a picture withtransparent background and layers (described in the paragraph above), select the desired part with the help of the Quick Selection Tool, then select the Layer Via Cut item by right-clicking on the selection. In this case, the selected fragment will be cut out, and it will overlay the image in the form of a layer above. From the original, the fragment itself disappears.
You can select Layer Via Copy. Then normal copying will take place, and from the original layer it will be necessary to delete this part of the picture, otherwise the goal will not be achieved. After you need to go back to setting up the Opacity layer and make a part of the image transparent by moving the slider to the appropriate value.
Pros and cons of formats
There are a number of formats used to store images. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.
For example, the JPEG format is used mainly fordigital cameras, less often - in Internet resources. Very good color rendering, but the method of image compression with loss is applied. As a result, a small file turns out to be of lower quality, rather than a large original. This, in principle, is not surprising for raster. There is also a lossless JPEG, which uses a lossless compression method. But he weighs a lot.

In general, JPEG is most often used only in thoseIn cases where the size of the image plays an important role. Quality in this case is on the second place. Naturally, the question of how to make a transparent picture, to this format is not applicable. When you edit the image repeatedly (in particular, compress), cells appear on the picture and so-called artifacts.
Another thing is the TIFF format. It is most convenient for storing originals of high quality images, scanned copies of any documents. It is used in printing in the development of printed publications of magazines, and also used for sending documents by fax. It can also be used to store original images, which are subsequently subject to editing.
The GIF format was developed for the first 8-bitvideo cards. It does not have a particularly bright image and depth of color. At one time it gained popularity not by the presence of a transparent background, but by the ability to create animated images, which are a looped repetition of certain frames with a given time interval. Found wide application in the production of advertising banners for Internet portals, placement and promotion of contextual advertising, logos and schemes. An unexpected rise in popularity of the use of this format was caused by the increased Internet-mode for GIF-jokes and animation with seals. It is difficult to imagine in our time love couples who would not exchange GIF-kami with funny little animals.

PNG is a relatively young format thatIt was created as a replacement for obsolete GIF and overly capacious TIFF. Therefore, it absorbs the positive qualities of both: compression is possible without loss of quality, and the color depth is 48 bits. The downside is the inability to use the animation. It is because of this that the format has not been able to displace from the Internet space already densely bored and (or even barricaded in the minds of users) GIF format. In the end, the word "gifka" (meaning funny animation or funny, often with a transparent background), rather than the PNG-scale, became the nominal word.
Thus, it should be noted that each format is convenient in its own way. And not everyone can store an image with a transparent background.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the issue ofHow to make a transparent picture is not super complicated. In today's world, when technological progress does not stand still, there are many programs that allow you to easily create the desired image in minutes or seconds.
"Photoshop" - not the only softwarea security capable of performing such functions. Image formats containing a transparent background are often used by web designers in the design, layout, creation and maintenance of Internet resources and not only.

Images with a transparent background are often stored in thethe source code when developing Internet resources, printed or electronic journals, online games or presentations. In any case, if suddenly a person encounters a difficulty and asks about how to make a picture transparent in Photoshop (or some part of it), it's easy to understand it.