Personnel Management in the Organization: Ways of Motivation and Ways of Employee Development
It is not so easy to conduct personnel management of an enterprise, but in this article you will find some useful tips and recommendations concerning personnel management.
Organizing your own company or wanting to get outto a new level, any manager should clearly understand that the management of personnel in the organization is almost a paramount task. At the same time, it is almost immediately necessary to determine how to keep track of working hours, coordinate the implementation of projects, encourage good employees and punish the negligent.
If your company organizes managementthe personnel in the organization independently, that is, without involving third-party specialists, the first thing to do is to contact a qualified lawyer specializing in labor law so that he helps to draw up a contract or an employment contract. Do not forget that it must contain sections on the registration for work, the duration and payment of the trial period, the possibility of cooperation with citizens of other states. In addition, you should think in advance whether there is a need to specify in the employment contract the period for which an employee is formalized.
The second important pointpay attention - is the development of job descriptions for each employee and the options for punishments provided for violations. Note that it is usually practiced punishment in the form of deprivation of the premium for minor violations. But as for more serious offenses, they can attract for themselves recoveries and more serious ones, up to dismissal with the payment of a large fine in the event of the employee incurring material losses.
Another document regulating relations with employees is a collective agreement, in which the rights and obligations of both parties should be outlined in general terms.
The employees themselves should be involved in the development oflabor discipline and a system of penalties for its violation. In this case, each member of the team, having felt their involvement in the development of these rules, will break them much less often.
Do not forget also that the management of staff in theThe organization must be clearly documented. This means that the company must have books to which all orders relating to the staff of staff will be recorded.
It should also be remembered that managementThe staff in the organization includes not only strict control over the implementation of the prescribed rules. Make sure that the development of personnel in the organization does not stand still. In this case, there are several options, the most popular of which are the passage of paid courses by some selected employees of the company, the organization of corporate training or the improvement of working skills at the expense of the employee.
Personnel management in the organization is alsoincludes such an important element as motivation in the organization. It should be remembered that each employee is a unique person with his temperament and character, so that some methods that work to motivate the majority of workers may not be suitable for inspiration of the other group. A vivid confirmation of this can be praise for the work successfully done, which contributes to the further success of the choleric people, but phlegmatic people, after hearing pleasant words from the mouth of their superiors, can and relax.
One more excellent incentive to increase workersindicators is the issuance of bonuses. Just remember that they need to be deserved. Otherwise, employees with poor performance indicators in terms of work will not improve.