/ / Filmography of David Lynch. Best movies, biography, director's photo

Filmography of David Lynch. Best movies, biography, director's photo

The filmography of David Lynch is an absolutethe triumph of absurd, mysterious and frightening pictures. It is for this 69-year-old director adores fans, the number of which is measured in thousands. The films created by the master are often attributed to the hypnotic effect, as it is impossible to break away from their viewing until the most final titles. The article is intended for those who are interested in David Lynch. Filmography, photo of the star will also be presented to your attention.

Biographical information

A small town in the US, part of the state of Montana,became the place where the future director was born in 1946. His father is a scientist specializing in the agricultural industry, his mother is a schoolteacher. David Lynch, whose filmography and biography cause incessant surprise, from childhood differed from his peers. The boy was interested in the afterlife, he showed a frightening interest in the corpses of animals. In the future, the morgue will become one of the favorite places of the meter.

filmography of David Lynch

Despite his strangeness and constant movingfamily, David paid much attention to study, pleased parents with exemplary behavior. Initially, the director saw himself in the role of an artist, which pushed him to enter the art school. However, the fascination with cinematography soon took up. The period from 1966 to 1975 is the time when David Lynch's filmography was opened with several bright shorts, but the real success was ahead. Slava came to the director only in 1977.

Filmography of David Lynch: the first movie

"Head-eraser" - a picture of 1977, thanks towhich meter woke up famous. In the center of the plot is the misadventure of Henry, who is the dweller of a fantastic anti-utopia. The wife leaves the hero, leaving him a newly born mutant son, whom he is forced to take care of. The most impressive impression on the audience was made by footage, where the character in dreams makes the babbling baby silent. Also shocking scenes with Marilyn Monroe, which is committed to dancing under a downpour in the form of falling buds.

With this tape officially startedsurreal masterpieces. The filmography of David Lynch was enriched by a picture that was too extravagant for a demonstration in a wide box office. However, independent cinemas were ready to fight for the right to display the movie, recognized as the most incredible debut in the cinematic story.

Directed by David Lynch: 80's films

"Man elephant" - a picture of 1980, the creation ofwhich the master inspired the history of a real person. It's about Joseph Merrick, who lived in the UK in the 19th century. This man was the victim of a terrible disease, which managed to spoil his whole body. Joseph, who in the picture of Lynch is called John, is forced to live with his flaws, constantly being subjected to bullying by others. This continues until one man manages to discern the beauty of his soul.

In 1984, the filmography of David Lynch enricheda fantastic story "Dune", the plot of which is taken from the work of Herbert. In the center of the picture is a man born to take on the role of the savior of Dune. This film is attractive for the special effects for that time, talented actors play, exciting soundtracks.

David Lynch filmography

"Blue Velvet" - a tape of 1986, whichcertainly must see the audience that likes David Lynch. The director's filmography became even more fascinating due to this work, which absorbed the notes of mysticism, detective and eroticism. The story begins with an unusual find - a cut ear. A young man who has come upon him unexpectedly becomes a participant in the whirlpool of events.

Cult series

"Twin Peaks" - a mysterious series thatcreated Michael Frost and David Lynch. The filmography of the director, who personally shot most of the series, was decorated with a TV project, which was immediately announced a cult. The intrigue of the show revolves around the mystical death of Laura Palmer. The audience together with the main characters must solve the riddle, to understand which of the inhabitants of the picturesque town is a murderer.

David Lynch filmography and biography

Continuation of the famous series, and did not answer all the questions, waiting for fans in 2017. In anticipation, you can see the prequel to the picture, released in 1992.

What else to see

The above pictures are not limited to the listmasterpieces that David Lynch created. There are later films, which should not pass by. "Mulholland Drive" - ​​the work of the director of 2001, which is a fascinating psychological thriller. Until now, fans have not been able to disclose all the secrets of the picture, which begins with the story of a girl who lost her memory after a car accident.

David Lynch filmography

"Inner Empire", filmed in 2006, alsois a good example of an excellent thriller. The action immediately immerses viewers into a nightmare, to break away from viewing which lovers of quality surrealistic tapes just can not.

The work of David Lynch is not for everyone, but for viewers who liked at least one story he created, they surely will like all the others.

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