Evgenia Guseva and Anton Gusev: details of personal life
Fans of the TV project "House 2" could not get enough,looking at a charming couple. They managed to leave the show and create a strong family. Evgenia Guseva and Anton Gusev more than once became heroes of various programs and shared their happiness with the whole world. But these events were preceded by a long and interesting life on the project.
The arrival of Evgenia Feofilaktova to "House 2"
Before the appearance on the big screens, the girl had timegraduate from university and several years to work as a manager in different companies. She had a long relationship with a man much older than her age. He owned a network of shops throughout the country. Appearing on the "frontal place", the girl immediately liked a few guys. At that time she was a burning brunette, and for such beauty there were many aspirants.
In searching of love
In the first year of life under the sights cameras Evgenygreatly spoiled its reputation. Her novels also ended swiftly, as they had begun. The first elected was Nikita Kuznetsov. A cheerful and sassy guy with a hair of curly hair quickly tired of the girl, and a week later they broke up. Ilya Gaszhienka lasted longer, and many thought that this relationship would end in marriage. But the young man was sometimes aggressive and raised his hand to Zhenya. Soon he was kicked out of the project, and the girl refused to leave with him. Her attention shifted to Spartak Sergienko. A short novel and an old story - a guy leaves, Feofilaktova remains to build love. The last straw was the relationship with Alikhan Khadaybanov. After the break, the girl decides to correct her appearance.
Plastic as a panacea
Eugene decided that the build up of relations hinder hershortcomings, namely a small chest and a big nose. The surgeons corrected these "defects", and a noticeably prettier girl gained confidence. A little later, she asked the clinic to raise her eyebrows and make her lips more plump. After such a "tuning" from the former Zhenya were only memories.
Was there love?
Together with silicone in the life of the fatal beautyburst Alexander Zadoynov. A tall blond with a beautiful figure was ready to throw the whole world to the feet of Eugene. But he did not have the means to do it. Instead of material gifts, he gave her love and a sense of security. Too many by that time there were people willing to take the girl out of the gate. While she was in a relationship, she was not threatened. Sasha loved Zhenya, and Zhenya liked to receive presents from outsiders. After a fight with another member Zadoynova expelled. The girl was not even upset and remained to wait for the prince in the city apartment.
Fars, intrigue and herring
Zhenya did not stay long alone. Soon a real man came to the project and expressed his sympathy for her. Mikhail Terekhin, a former policeman with an athlete's body and incredible charisma. The beauty's soul trembled, and without hesitation she began to fascinate the potential groom. The man approached her in all respects, and Feofilaktova was ready to change her character for the sake of their relationship. But Misha could not survive the disappointment, seeing how Zhenechka in the evening dress eats herring with her hands. He refused claims to her heart, and a few days later announced his novel with Xenia Borodina. Evgenia realized that she was a screen for Mikhail, who was not supposed to build love from the leading TV project. The girl harbored resentment and still has not forgiven such meanness of a man.
Old rakes
In these difficult times for Eugene on the projectAlexander Zadoynov returned. The old feelings flared up again, and the couple went to live in city apartments with the approval of all participants. This time everything was much more enchanting and sadder - scandals followed one after another. Sasha refused to look for work and spent a lot of time at the computer. The guy became addicted to gambling and dropped huge sums in the casino. Whence money for such entertainments undertook, all participants of the project soon learned. Zadoynov withdrew money from the cards of his friends. There was a scandal, and the guy was kicked out of the teleproject.
After spending a few weeks alone, Zhenyadrew attention to the new gentleman. It was a modest and unremarkable Anton Gusev. Fans of the girl did not perceive him as a threat and even could not imagine that the seductive babe would bite at such a simpleton. He gave expensive gifts and fulfilled all her whims. But those around him looked at each other in bewilderment and gossiped about the fact that these relations are doomed to failure. Their joint life was too fresh and boring. At this time on the Internet began to appear reports that Anton Gusev and Eugene broke up. But the couple did not react to provocations and continued to plunge into a swamp called everyday life.
Inexplicable but the fact
What was the surprise when Eugeneagreed to marry Anton! The organizers decided to stir up the couple a little and wedge in their relationship a third party. They became Elina Karyakina. The girl portrayed a sudden flare-up passion for Anton, than quickly withdrew his bride from himself. Zhenya made loud scandals and fights with her rival, which finally consolidated her nickname "Tru-la-la".
A momentous event happened on July 17, 2012of the year. The wedding of Eugenia Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev was very beautiful and widely covered in the press. The fact that the girl at that time was sure that she would be invited to the fourth soloist in the group "VIA Gra". Messages about this often flashed on the Internet and in the pages of the yellow editions. Without waiting for a proposal from Konstantin Meladze, she accepted him from Anton. The celebration took place in one of the most prestigious restaurants in Moscow. After the wedding, Eugene and Anton Gusev planned to go to exotic islands, but the trip had to be postponed for a while.
Family life on the project
Unpacking the presents and thanking all the guests,the newlyweds returned to the city apartments. Zhenya no longer concealed that she would soon become a mother and asked other participants to understand her situation with understanding. The most active girls took it as a call to action and did not miss the opportunity to walk through the relationship of Eugenia Guseva and Anton Gusev. However, the girl understood that the child is more important than ratings and money. She deftly avoided scandals and fights. She even managed to stoically transfer the return to Zadoynov's project and turn a blind eye to his ostentatious novels.
Family Addition
In December, Zhenya gives birth to her first child. Son decided to call Daniel. Now a full-fledged family began to receive advice on caring for the child from experienced mothers Daria Pynzar and Rita Agibalova. However, the first soon ceased to be the best friend because of the conflict on the basis of envy and jealousy. Evgenia Guseva and Anton Gusev are starting to think about leaving the project. Too tense situation in the team and outright hatred of other participants spoil the mood of a married couple. The last straw is the arrival of the "old men". Former participants could make a disagreement in the relationship, so the couple left the TV project.
Life after perimeter
Left without monetary support fromthe leadership of "House 2", Eugenia Guseva and Anton Gusev did not sit idle. The girl opened an online store, where you can buy children's clothes and many other products for kids. My husband took up business and soon made significant progress. About her life the couple regularly wrote in social networks. The girl radically changed her style and became a blonde. From her wardrobe bright and screaming outfits disappeared, which pleased all the fans and friends.
In 2014 a photo of Anton and Eugene Gusevappeared in almost all printed publications. Young parents got into a serious accident. The girl was lucky - she got off bruises, but her husband broke his leg and for a long time wore a plaster cast. This case made Zhenya think about a quarrel with Daria Pynzar. She was the godmother of Daniel. However, the attempt to reconcile ended in an even bigger scandal and the paths of the two married couples diverged forever.
Vague doubts
In early 2016, the network began to appearreports that the divorce of Anton Gusev and Eugenia is not far off. The girl did not attach any importance to this and considered it an idle gossip. But smoke without fire does not happen, and soon she began to notice the strangeness in the behavior of the spouse. As the girl later admitted, she simply could not believe that her husband was cheating on her. And with one of the participants of the project "House 2".
Insidious razluchnitsa
Now it is clear to everyone that Anton was not going todivorced and tried to hide the relationship on the side. However, his mistress, Victoria Romanets, did not want to hide and dreamed of smashing their family. A rich guy could be a good party for a girl, and she did not miss a chance. Zhenya, without further ado, dismissed the unfaithful spouse on all four sides.
Anton sought to restore relations andreturn to the family. For several months he tried to prove to his wife that everything is in the past, and he admits his mistakes. Proud Zhenya did not want to live in the status of a deceived wife and finally divorced. In December Anton Gusev and Eugenia divorced officially. The young man continues to meet with Victoria, and his ex-wife does not share details about his personal life.