/ / The carriage with own hands from a cardboard, from a paper: drawings, a master class

The carriage with own hands from a cardboard, from a paper: drawings, a master class

It's good when your favorite doll has a carriage! With your hands, you can make an open-topped lland with cardboard or an elegant britchka. And you can even aim at a luxury coach or a comfortable crew. He talks about how the coach is made by himself, a master class published here. The article will also consider options for making crews from paper.

The carriage from a cardboard for Barbie

This toy will not only serve to createexternal entourage in the corner where "lives" Barbie. In the landau with an open top, the pupa can make real trips. And even invite your friends to go. And the girlfriends of mistress Barbi will obzaviduyutsja when will see, what it now has a carriage!

carriage by one's own hands

With your own hands, you can make it from the oldcardboard box. To cope with this work will be able not only adult, but also a teenager, familiar with the construction. And since a carriage made of cardboard is done, they will have to cut out their details with their own hands, using a shoemaker's knife or a knife, a scalpel or other sharp tool. Well, designer talents while working on the exterior of the crew, of course, are mandatory.

Drawing drawing for the case of landau

The cardboard carriage described here is made with my own hands for Barbie type dolls. But it is possible to make a landau or a britchka in this way for other inhabitants of a toy town. When constructing puppet carriages with their own hands, the drawings should be designed in accordance with the size of the "users".

coach-making drawings

  1. First of all, a pattern is drawn for the contour of the side wall of the carriage. In our case, it has the shape of a bowl with a rounded bottom or a straight-tulip tulip.
  2. At the top of the wall are two round windows.
  3. Between them there will be a door. We have on it the function of the ladder, so the side that will not be cut is at the bottom.
  4. You can make a hole in the upper part of the door, such as a window, or on the side - like a handle.
  5. A sharp edge cuts out the contour of the wall, the windows, the hole in the door and its three sides.
  6. The second wall is cut the same way, just do not make the door. Although the carriage, made with his own hands made of cardboard, may well have two entrances.
  7. Preparing the bottom for the coach. It has the form of a long strip of cardboard. This detail should be of such width, what will be the width of the crew afterwards. The length is calculated in this way: the distance from the upper corner points of the side wall is measured. Centimeter tape should be passed along the bottom contour of the side. To this size should be added allowance for circular bends - decorations on top of the coach.

Assembling the barrel carcass for Barbie

  1. To ensure that the carriage does not turn out to be a hump, first calculate the middle of the bottom detail and the central point of the bottom curve of the wall. They are connected.
  2. Using the adhesive tape, glue the edges of the bottom detail and the curved line of the sidewall at a right angle.
  3. The second side wall is likewise attached.
  4. The remaining ends of the bottom are twisted.
    how to make a carriage with your own hands
  5. Fasten the "curl" with a double tape or a piece of cardboard.
  6. A carriage from a cardboard is made by the hands onconscience, so that the dolls could comfortably use it. Therefore, inside the case insert a piece of cardboard, folded so that it mimics the seats and the floor itself. After all, the bottom of this coach turned round, concave.
  7. If desired, you can make a soft fabric upholstery, hang curtains on the windows.
    a master-class coach

That's so convenient to place dolls inside the carriage, gathered for a walk.

Providing the carriage of the motor function

Since you want to make a carriage with your own hands, you want with wheels, due to which it will move, you should take care of it. In principle, it is not difficult to prepare such a device.

self carriage

  1. For the wheels themselves take something round: coil from thin tape, wire, cover the right size. You can even cut out a circle of cardboard. In future wheels make a hole in the center, if it is not provided in advance in the used objects.
  2. To the bottom of the coach tape attached to the cocktail.
  3. It is inserted a wooden skewer.
  4. The edges of the skewers are strengthened in the center of the wheels.

Work on the exterior of the crew

  1. Everyone decides for himself how to decorate the carriage from the outside. You can cover it with paint and varnish, and on top glue an ornament that is cut out of a foil or paper of the right color.
  2. You can draw an ornament using a pattern of silver or gold paint.
  3. And if the drawing is done with lacquer or glue, on which immediately poured beads or millet, it will become voluminous. Groats, by the way, can also be dyed in silver or gold before use.

Designer thing in the form of a coach

The needlewomen adore decorating their house with little things,creative and cute. Some, for example, believe that a carriage made of paper, made with their own hands, can serve as a box for storing tea. They even decorate the side wall in such a way that it has the form of a teapot.

how to make a carriage of paper

Between the sidewalls, place thea lid in which tea will be poured. It is possible to put inside of this designer little thing some little things - its use depends on the fantasy of the owner.

do the carriage for the doll

By the same algorithm, you can make a carriage forsmall pupae. True, if you do not make the wheels mobile, and cut them along with the side walls of the hull, the crew will not be able to drive like the present. However, such a toy will be glad to the child, if it is done together with him. And girls from 9 years old can already cope with such hand-made articles, decorating the carriage with ribbons, laces, braids, paillettes, rhinestones, beads and beads.

Table souvenir in the form of a coach

Often the handicraft is used as an ornament. About this, how to make a carriage with his hands from paper, this master class will tell.

  1. First, a side wall pattern is developedhousing. You can draw only half the template, and cut out the whole part at once, folding the paper in half - both sides are asymmetric. For the craft, you need two walls.
    template for carriage of cardboard and paper
  2. The holes of the windows on the inside are tightenedsmall tulle. The outline of a person is attached to a piece of thick cardboard, which the second side is glued directly to the wall part from the inside.
    master class of paper carriage
  3. You can decorate the outside of the body wall with beads, sequins, paillettes, stick the handle on the door.
    how to make a carriage of paper step by step
  4. Between the two parts of the case are glued a matchbox, pasted with white paper.
  5. On it behind and in front are fastened the figures of servants and coachman.
    step by step instruction
  6. The carriage is mounted on the wheels. These can be metal buttons or cardboard-cut circles glued with foil.
    carriage of paper with your own hands
  7. The figures of horses are cut from the cardboard and placed in front. Thick wire fasten them to the hand-made. You can cut out cardboard narrow strips, which will imitate horse harness.
  8. </ ol </ p>
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