A flower made of leather. Master class on manufacturing

Many needlewomen leave old unpairedgloves, cut off the bootlegs of worn out leather boots, and all the scraps of genuine leather are stacked in a special box to eventually use them as a trim on jackets, sweaters or jeans jackets. However, over time, there are still scraps that seem to have nowhere else to use. But you can create a flower from the skin. The master class of such a process is very simple, and the manufacturing itself also does not take much time. As a result, you get a beautiful, practical flower that can be used as a decorative decoration.
Flower of leather: a master class. Materials
To create the next masterpiece you will need,of course, the skin itself. The more different pieces you have, the more fantasies you will be able to translate. The skin can be thin, taken from female demi-season gloves. Or maybe a thick, cut from the bootleg from the boots. Perfect remnants of a bag or leather wallet. The only condition is that the material must be natural. Dermatin will not work, because the products from it are not durable enough, they easily lose shape. Coloring also does not matter. Classical black, lilac, green or pale gray ... they will all be equally in demand if you decide to make a flower from the skin. The master class also provides for the presence of a pencil, scissors, thread, needle, thermo-pistol and candle. If all materials are laid out on the table - you can proceed.

Flower of leather: a master class. Description of work
Select several pieces of skin from which youplan to execute the product. Then you need to determine the expected size. Draw on a sheet of paper in full size, a future flower. In order to perform flowers from the skin, patterns can be made independently. It is enough to draw on the sheet of paper the petals of the size that is needed. For a rose you need three sizes of petals. Approximately 5 cm, 3.5 cm and 2 cm. Cut from the skin for 6-8 pieces of each size, we begin to form a bud. The most alive look roses, which gave a certain amount, characteristic of a living flower. This can be achieved using a candle flame. Bring one petal to the flame at a distance of about 2-4 cm. The skin begins to melt and take a bizarre outline. If you practice on scraps, then very soon you will be able to give the petals a beautiful shape. The flower is formed starting from the middle. Attaching the petals is very easy with the use of a thermo-gun. The most important thing is to let the product cool down.

Flower of leather: master class and application
At first glance it seems that the areaThe use of this decoration is very limited. In fact, this is far from the case! We offer several photos. Flowers from the skin can be fixed on a new purse or on a boot, on a rim or on a hair clip. The main thing is that it blends perfectly with the color solution and style with the rest of the image. A carefully executed flower will be an excellent addition to both a business suit and an evening dress.