/ / Konne doll pattern: master drawing class

Konne doll pattern: master drawing drawing class

The needlewomen happily manufacturetextile dolls. To their services on the Internet there are master classes and patterns from the authors of various styles and directions in this form of creativity. But, perhaps, there is still one difficulty. Unfortunately, the author of this style never saw the pattern of the Conne doll.

Shoes from Konne's puppeteer

But this fact did not stop fans of this direction in the manufacture of toys from textiles. Creative people, in love with their hobby, themselves tried to develop patterns of dolls by Tatyana Konne.

It was not so difficult. After all, different products in this style is just its amazing simplicity. Probably, it is this quality in them that is one of the main, distinguishing them from others.

The second feature on which it is immediately easy to determinestyle of these dolls, all are called disproportionately large feet. That's why they are called still bolts. Tatyana Konne borrowed this lovely line from the artists who designed children's books and animators.

making a doll with a horse

If you take a closer look, you cannote that in many cartoons children are depicted with fairly large feet and with straight and plump legs. Although there are more creative options. Sometimes the children are depicted with legs slightly thickened downwards. Therefore, in the pattern of the Conne doll, the detail of the leg should be necessarily large enough in its lower part.

And they're also big boys!

Few people pay attention to the second importantfact. He touches the hands of dolls in the style of Conn. Like the legs, these limbs also slightly thicken closer to the brushes. And the brushes themselves are large enough. And this fact should also be taken into account when making the Konne doll pattern.

How to draw a pattern of Konne dolls - master build class

doll konne pattern master class

  1. We construct an isosceles trapezoid with a large lower base equal to the height, and with corners at the base of 30 degrees.
  2. The upper minor base is replaced by a convex arc - we form the "shoulders" of the doll.
  3. Smooth lines draw the neck. Its width should be equal to the third part of the upper base of the trapezium. The length can be arbitrary. The trunk pattern is ready.
  4. The head of the doll is shaped like a circle. Its diameter is equal to the lower part of the trunk.
  5. The foot has the shape of an oval. The larger diameter of this figure is equal to the diameter of the head, and the smaller is its half.
  6. The construction of a hand pattern begins withtracing two segments of length equal to the lower part of the trunk, located not in parallel. The least distance between the ends of the segment should be equal to the width of the neck. In this place the ends of the segments are connected by an arc.
  7. Now, where the segments are not connected, draw a palm. It can be both figured (with the selection of fingers), and solid.
  8. Pattern legs begin to draw with a right angle. Moreover, the length of the vertical beam is calculated using a thread that fits around the perimeter of the foot oval. After this procedure, the thread is measured with a ruler. Suppose the perimeter of the oval is 14 cm. Therefore, the leg length will also be 14 cm. The horizontal ray is equal to half of this result. In our example, this is 7 cm.
  9. Two thirds of the vertical beam - the length is stillone segment, which is required for the construction of the drawing. In our example, it is 9.3 cm. It is positioned either at a small angle to the vertical line, so that the leg extends downward, or parallel to it. The upper ends of the segments are connected by a convex arc.
  10. Smooth line at the bottom of the details make up the upper front part of the foot.

So the pattern of a connet doll with a sewing head is drawn. But, based on this master class, you can easily make a drawing for a one-piece toy.

patterns of dolls Tatiana Connet

For this, the circle-head is placed in the upper part above the body so that these parts are connected by the neck.

Cutting the details of textile dolls

Having at hand patterns of dolls of Tatiana Konne,suitable flesh-colored fabric, pins, a self-fading marker and scissors can be cut. For tailoring you will need 2 parts of the body, head and feet.

For the manufacture of legs should be cut out 4 parts. For the hands will need the same. It is very important to do this correctly so that both hands are not left or both hands.

In order to avoid this, the fabric is folded in half.side inwards, lay the pattern and pin it to the material. After that, using the self-fading marker, transfer the contours of the part to the fabric. Then the pattern is inverted, again pinned down and outlined, obtaining a figure symmetrical to the first.

Clothing for textile dolls

Usually on rag dolls outfits do not change. They are even called not game, but design. But without a pattern, clothes for Konne's dolls are quite difficult to make. This is especially true of shoes. After all, shoes or boots for the big ladder are perhaps the most important attribute.

patterns of dolls Tatiana Connet

Dress can also be sewn gradually, collecting a doll,as shown in the collage of the assembly master class. The dress itself is cut in the same way as the sun skirt - in the form of a circle with a hole in the middle. The inner circle after cutting is assembled on the drawstring and is put on the neck of the doll.

making a doll with a horse

Then for lanterns are cut out similardetails, but smaller. The inner circle is located at the very top of the arm, at the place of attachment of the limb to the body. The extreme circle is going to the drawstring and tightened to the forearm.

There is a second option for sewing a dress. The pattern is shown in the drawing below.

clothes patterns for conne dolls

The seams in the drawing are indicated by shaded lines. The beginning and end of the lines are marked with numbers in circles. Before stitching, they are combined by the values: 1 with 1, 2 with 2 and so on.

Although each needlewoman can make an outfit forpupae at their discretion in their favorite technique. Someone will tie and clothes, and shoes, and handbag, and pets. And there are options for making handbags from beads, dog - from fur, boots from leather. Homemade dolls are so good that they open a huge field for the master to use his fantasy.

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