/ / Unit fee and its amount

Unit fee and its amount

Pai as a concept is fixed by law. This definition also corresponds to the share contribution. The law establishes it as a percentage of the contribution of its own property by members of the agricultural production or consumer cooperative (SPK) for the further sale of economic activities.

Is there a difference between these two concepts?

Despite the fact that these two concepts are combinedamong themselves, they are different. Pai is a property that already belongs to the cooperative and is divided into its members, and the share contributions of members of the cooperative are the property that each participant contributes at the foundation of the SEC.

Legislation on agrarian cooperation states,that the share consists not only of contributions of participants, but also of the net assets of the agricultural production cooperative. Nevertheless, its size is limited to the property that the member made by joining the cooperative.

Unit contribution

What is a mutual fund?

All property of the agrarian cooperative is divided among its participants and expressed in monetary form. The exception is found in funds that do not divide among the participants.

Association of property shares andform a share fund. All these principles are fixed by the charter of the cooperative. On the collected property, economic activity is launched. Depending on its size, the activity of each participant depends on the whole process.

Compulsory contributions

They are also fixed by the charter of the cooperative, and after their receipt shareholders are entitled:

  • vote;
  • participation in activities;
  • obtaining benefits;
  • use of the services of the cooperative;
  • relying on earnings.

At the same time, making a share contribution and a share givesdifferent opportunities for a cooperative member. More simply, it sounds like this: the larger the contribution, the more privileges will be in the course of economic activity and the higher will be the income. If the fee was small, then the size of the unit will be small.

Unit contributions of the cooperative

Additional contributions

This is a voluntary share contribution, which each participant can make on top of the share received as a result of making a mandatory contribution to enter the cooperative.

It is the sums of both basic and supplementary contributions that indicate what kind of payments each member will receive after the cooperative ceases to operate or if it voluntarily withdraws from it.

This is because the property of the cooperativethe general and for each shareholder the general rights and duties extend. In this case, property can be represented both by own means, and borrowed, which should not exceed 60% of all the funds collected by the cooperative. The property of the participants in the process is:

  • securities;
  • things;
  • property rights.

The amount of borrowed funds no more than 60% speaks about the solvency of the organization and gives a guarantee to the creditors on the repayment of the taken debt obligations.

What is a unit fund?

Before the commencement of the cooperative, the shareholders hold a meeting at which they adopt the articles of association and designate the size of the share contribution, which is also fixed in the charter.

All questions in the field of creating a mutual fund and the development of project documentation on the activities of the cooperative are handled by the committee on organizational issues.

In the process of economic activity may beamendments were made to the charter on the amount of the contribution. Since this information pertains to each employee of the organization, the law establishes a complex procedure for these actions, which begins with the meeting of shareholders and ends with the registration of these changes in the document regulating the order of the organization.

The size of the unit fund may increase in two cases:

  1. If members contribute additional funds to the development of production due to payments made by the cooperative.
  2. As a result of the recruitment of new participants in the production process, the number of shares is growing.

The growth of the mutual fund occurs only when at the public meeting the majority of its participants voted for it.

Association of property shares

What should be the first installment?

Each member of the production organization up tothe moment of its registration must make at least ten percent (and for a consumer cooperative 25%) of the amount of the share contribution, which is recognized as binding.

The remaining 90% or 75%, he canperiodically contribute to the total authorized capital, but only in the first year of production life. At the same time, the size of a unit fund may change to a greater or lesser extent after a meeting of cooperative members.

All changes to the set of organizational rules are registered in accordance with the rules established by law.

Indivisible fund

It represents those means of cooperative members who are not equated to shares and, accordingly, do not share among the members of the SEC.

By a majority vote, some of the shares may be transferred to an indivisible fund, as a result of which the size of the share for each participant will decrease in proportion to the money transferred into it.

Within four weeks after thechanges in units will be registered in the charter and will enter into legal force, it is necessary to inform the creditors of the cooperative about this. If they are not satisfied with the new data and within 24 weeks after the publication of the changes put forward their demands, then they must be executed.

Voluntary share contribution

What makes up the income?

The earnings represents that final profit which bookkeepers define in the account in the course of studying and an estimation of the balance received on the end of the year.

Those payments, which the participants of the production process will receive, are fixed legislatively or in the organization's charter.

Usually the payment depends on the share of participation each worker of the cooperative takes during the course of economic activity.

All the nuances concerning the division of profit betweenparticipants of production, are discussed and accepted by all shareholders together. These meetings are held within three months from the end of the fiscal year.

It must be remembered that payments are made after all mandatory payments to the pension and social insurance funds and the tax service.

How is the income of the cooperative divided?

The income that was determined by the end of the year, having studied the balance sheet, is divided among the participants as follows:

  1. A certain part is sent to the reserve and other general funds of the cooperative, which are not divided and fixed by the organization's charter.
  2. On the basis of the current legislative acts, part of the money is sent to pay tax liabilities and other payments to the budgets of the required levels.
  3. For the payment of dividends, but in the amount of not more than 30% of the total amount, for the division into cooperative members.

The amount of cash is dependent on the balance sheet at the end of the year.

Share contributions of members of the cooperative

How are the payments of the cooperative divided?

Payments, which serve as an income for shareholders and the whole organization as a whole, are divided:

  1. To issue wages to employees of the cooperative, who are not included in the number of shareholders, commensurate with their participation in the activities of the organization.
  2. After all non-members have received their income, all shareholders can gather and decide on the remaining profits to direct on the growth of their share contributions. However, this value should not exceed 80%.
  3. The rest of the income goes to pay for the work of the shareholders.

Use of payments to increase the share

Payments of the organization can be used as follows:

  1. If the participants in economic activity decided to increase the share fund at the expense of these funds, then the funds are sent there.
  2. Funds can be sent by cooperatives to pay its members of property shares that have not been paid yet, and the deadlines are already tightening up.

At the same time, repayment can be either complete orpartial. This can be done if the cooperative has means that exceed the amount of the share fund established by the charter. Including the payments of the cooperative are also taken into account, which are used to increase the share fund. Until it is fully formed, no funds are allocated for the repayment of contributions.

An exception is the repayment of share contributionsassociated members of the cooperative, that is, those individuals or legal entities that have contributed their property and receive dividends on it. At the same time, they carry the risk of damage to the organization.

Making a share contribution

Is the cooperative's responsibility to creditors?

Yes, it does! The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes property responsibility.

In the event of failure to fulfill its promises to creditors, the organization loses all its property. At the same time, you will have to pay only your own funds, not borrowed funds.

The cooperative is not liable for its obligations for its individual members, unless, of course, it is legislatively secured.

What is subsidiary responsibility?

This responsibility is borne by members of the cooperative for non-fulfillment of their obligations.

It is regulated by law and is aadditional to the main responsibility of the organization, which appears when the cooperative is unable to fulfill all the creditors' requests. The law establishes the following features:

  1. The participants in the production are liable in the amount of the fee, which is stipulated in the charter of the cooperative. In this case, its value should not exceed 0.5% of the amount of the basic contribution.
  2. The size of the fee is taken by a majority vote at the general meeting, but it should not be higher than the statutory value.
  3. The adopted value is approved by the charter of the cooperative.

In other words, it can be said that the shareholders cover creditor debts, when the cooperative itself does not have money and property for this.

The size of the share contribution

Loss of the cooperative

Losses look at the end of the year on the balance sheet. They are divided among the shareholders in accordance with their pay.

The losses are compensated first of all by means of reserve funds or by making additional share contributions of the cooperative.

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