Blanks from strawberries: summer freshness all year round
Strawberry is perhaps the most popular summera gift that people are willing to wait for all other seasons or, on the contrary, half the harvest, diligently doing homework. And its delicious aroma and incomparable tender taste complements the utmost utility. The fact is that it contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary for building blood cells and strengthening memory, zinc, which has a strong tonic effect on sexual activity.
Simple compote
Blanks from strawberries, perhaps, have only onea significant disadvantage: the necessary volume of berries, which is achieved only through patience and painstaking labor. So, for an incomplete three-liter jar you will need as much as 1 kg of fruit, and to have enough jam for the whole family during at least autumn, you will not need a single pot.
Other recipes
Blanks of strawberries more complexcooking is jam and jam. For the first one will need 1 kg of the main fruit + 250 g of red currant for the saturation of taste + 1 lemon to increase the usefulness and approximately 700-800 g of sugar.
For this purpose, peeled and washed fruits (halffirst and whole - the second) you need to cook on low heat until the juice is isolated, and then pour the lemon juice, add the sugar and bring to a boil. So boil another 20 minutes, then pour on the banks and cork. This preparation can also be used in the preparation of other sweets, such as pies, cakes and muffins. Similarly, you can make other blanks for the winter, recipes can be supplemented with other fruits or even herbs. So, you probably will enjoy a jam of strawberries and rhubarb or currant, jam with the addition of bananas, candied fruits, or even hard marmalade. To prepare the latter for a kilogram of berries you will need 800 g of sugar, a glass of apple juice and 0.5 tsp. citric acid. Strawberries need to be roasted and wiped through a sieve, then mixed with sugar and cooked on low heat, stirring occasionally. And when the mass becomes sufficiently thick, it will only be necessary to add the juice and continue the heat treatment until a uniform test paste is obtained. In hot form it will need to be packaged and corked in jars.