/ / Fruit mustard - not for bitterness, but for taste

Fruit mustard - not for bitterness, but for taste

Mustard - a spicy product, used forgiving special taste sensations to dishes that are not so delicious without it. Buying ready-made mustard in the store, sometimes disappointed. Not that it is not bitter, on the contrary, bitterness in it is more than enough, but there is no taste characteristic for a well-prepared product. What is fruit mustard, and with what it is eaten?

So, for the preparation of fruit mustard we need:

  1. Half an apple and as many pears;
  2. A pair of lemons;
  3. A glass of wine, preferably white;
  4. Cinnamon - two sticks;
  5. Grapes of light varieties - 300 grams;
  6. Mustard - sharp and light.

Fruits must be cleaned and seeds selected from them. Then peeled skin and seeds together with the core should be welded. To do this, put them in a container, add lemon, cinnamon and light wine. We cook for ten minutes. In the prepared lemon juice, immerse the finely chopped fruit. With grapes do this: cut each berry in half, take the bones and throw them to apples and pears. From this fruit mustard must acquire a flavor and unusual taste.

The resulting broth is passed through a sieve, thenwe put fruit in it and cook for ten minutes. Boil it with mustard and spread it over the jars. Banks close and put in a cool place for cooling. Now meat, ham and game will acquire a completely new, piquant taste, thanks to the fruit mustard.

On how to make mustard, we think, they know everythingmistress. At least once they did it. After all, mustard, brewed at home, is much better than what was bought in the store. You'll need mustard powder, honey, ginger, cloves. In addition, vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and sugar. The proportions will depend on how much mustard you want to make.

We take half a glass of boiling water and pour mustardpowder. And, we do it slowly, stirring all the time. We achieve that the state of the mixture acquires the consistency of puree. After the mass has become homogeneous, add the boiling water - two glasses - and put it on the sludge for 24 hours. In parallel, it is necessary to prepare an infusion of spices and pour it with boiling water. After having passed the day, it is necessary to pour out water from the container with mustard. Add honey, sugar and salt. Then mix and in several approaches, gradually put into the mustard spices and butter, while not forgetting to stir. We put it away in the refrigerator. After a couple of days, the mustard can be eaten. Now we know how to make mustard, how to store it and what dishes to serve.

Mustard has so many ways of cooking. Compared with the recipes of Bavarian, English, Russian mustard, fruit mustard has some advantages: it can be used as a seasoning, as a sauce, to eat with sandwiches. In Italy, it is prepared in this way: the basis is taken of white wine, which is a kind of sauce. It includes various fruits - pears, apples, then honey and spices are added. Mustard powder is poured into this sauce. And although the mustard is not quite the same as we used to feel it, it is a good seasoning for meat dishes.

Still there is a recipe based on berries. To prepare it you need two kinds of wine: half a glass of port and any red wine - a quarter of a glass. Berries can be used from 80 to 100 grams. Dijon mustard, dried mustard, pepper and salt to taste.

In the dishes we mix both types of wines and startboil. After the contents boiled, we make fire at minimum and give the wine a little more to stand on fire. When the contents, let's say, boiled, add the berries, and let's boil to the extent that the mass does not decrease in volume. Then filter through gauze or a fine sieve. Mix everything with mustard, salt to taste and close in a sealed jar. We put it away in the refrigerator. After two or three days, the fruit mustard will be ready for use.

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