Pasta with bacon - Italian taste with Russian accent
Pasta with bacon is an excellent dish in order to diversify the already boring menu. It can be cooked in a few minutes, and even a novice cook can cope with it.
Option number 1. With garlic
To diversify the taste of fresh pasta,it is necessary to use different sauces and additives. Pasta with bacon and garlic is rich enough, so it can satisfy hunger quickly and permanently. You need to take 280 g of bacon, a packet of spaghetti, 3 cloves of garlic, about 4 tbsp. spoons of oil, spices and 4 tbsp. spoons of chopped cheese.

First, bacon should be fried in a frying pan toit became crisp, and then grind. Spaghetti should be put in salt water and cook for 10 minutes. Then they need to be thrown back in a colander and rinsed under cool water so that the paste does not stick together. Garlic must be pressed through a press and combined with olive oil. Now it's time to serve the dish. To do this, combine spaghetti, bacon, olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper, and sprinkle cheese on top. Pasta with bacon, the recipe with the photo of which is placed in this article, it turns out very tasty and fragrant.
Option number 2. With tomatoes
Pasta with bacon and tomatoes will taste to alllovers of pasta. You need to take about 130 g of bacon, onion, celery root, a couple cloves of garlic, 1 kg of tomatoes, 1.5 teaspoons of a mixture of peppers, a pinch of chili, 120 g of parmesan and 450 g of spaghetti.

First you need to peel the tomatoes from the peel. To do this, they are for a minute put in boiling water. Then they need to be cut into large cubes. The next step: bacon, onion and celery chop and fry over medium heat. After a few minutes, we send tomatoes there and extinguish until all the excess liquid has evaporated. Pour the pasta in salted water (about 10 minutes). Pasta with bacon is served with sauce and cheese. This dish is suitable not only for a family dinner, but also for unexpectedly unexpected guests.
Option number 3. With cream
Spaghetti refers to products that spoilsimply impossible. Thanks to a variety of sauces, each time you can get a new dish. Creamy pasta with bacon is a dish that even gourmets will like.
For this option, you need to take 400 gramsspaghetti, about 280 g of 15% cream, half-bulb, 3 cloves of garlic, 65 g of cheese, 120 g of bacon, 8 eggs (quail), basil, 4 tbsp. spoons of oil, spices and Italian herbs.

Bacon and onions must be crushed in cubes, andmushrooms cut into 4 parts. In olive oil, you need to fry the bacon, and then on it - and the onion until ruddy. Then we send mushrooms there and by the end of the cooking we squeeze garlic. The next step: pour the cream into the same bowl, bring it to the boil and simmer with minimal fire, stirring occasionally. Next, add salt and herbs and cook until the sauce begins to thicken. Pasta is boiled to the state of al dente, mixed with bacon, cream sauce, eggs and chopped cheese. Served with basil.
Option number 4. With chicken
Pasta with bacon and chicken is verytasty and appetizing thanks to the use of meat and vegetables. For her, you need to take 450 g of spaghetti or other pasta, 8 slices of bacon, about 400 g of broccoli, a pair of st. spoons of olive oil, a pound of chicken breast, 1 tbsp. milk, 0.5 tbsp. fatty cream and as much cheese, a couple of st. spoons of flour, salt, black pepper and red. In the pan, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, milk and cream, which must be heated, and then add flour. Then send the cheese, salt and pepper. Combine the pasta, broccoli, chicken and season with sauce.

Pasta should be boiled according to the recipe describedon the package. On medium heat, fry the bacon until it crisp. Broccoli can be cooked to half-cooked or cooked in a microwave oven. Separately it is necessary to fry the breast, cut into cubes. How to make pasta with bacon, you now know. By the way, you can correct this recipe at your own discretion. For example, you can add other vegetables.
Option number 5. With peas
Pasta with bacon and green peas is obtainedvery tasty and non-calorie. To do this, you need to take a pair of garlic cloves, low-fat cream (160ml), about 25g of green frozen peas, about 65g of bacon, 150g of any pasta, 30g of cheese, parsley, spices and olive oil.
Pasta must be boiled in salted water, andafter adding a little olive oil, so that it does not fuse. To make the sauce, you need to grind the garlic and cut the bacon with straw. On the heated frying pan, first you need to fry the garlic, and then bacon. When everything starts to change color, we add peas. After a few minutes, pour the cream into the pan and boil for a while. When the sauce is ready, mix it with pasta and serve with parsley and cheese.