A delicious recipe for an anthill.
The anthill's recipe is known to almost everyonemistress in the post-Soviet space. This simple, but very tasty dessert was often prepared by our mothers for the arrival of friends and simply without any reason to please the baby. I think each of us has once tried an anthill cake or at least a modified anthill cake, which is a small copy of the cake. Strangely enough, but according to my statistics this sweet-sweet cake is more popular with men, although even girls who follow a diet can not give up a small piece of an anthill.
The recipe for an anthill is simple and its preparationtakes a little time, and if you attach a little imagination to this case, then you can come up with your new ant honeydew recipe. But I'll tell you the most common classic way of cooking.
The cake is an anthill classic.
For this we need the following ingredients:
for cookies
- 3 glasses of flour
- 200 g of butter
- half a glass of sugar
- 200 g of sour cream
- a floor of a teaspoon of soda
for cream
- a bank of condensed milk
- Butter 200 g.
First prepare the pastry dough: mix in a bowl of butter, flour, sugar, sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly, add half a teaspoon of soda as a baking powder. The dough should be thick so that it can be kneaded with your hands. Then we roll this dough on a meat grinder, and we get "lambs", which we put on a baking tray and put in an oven, heated to 180-200 degrees. You can periodically open the oven and stir the cookies so that they are browned from all sides.
At this time we are preparing the cream. We take a can of condensed milk (it must first be boiled or bought already cooked), mixed in a bowl with butter until a homogeneous consistency. There you can add, if desired, crushed nuts or poppies. The cream is ready.
We take out the cookies from the oven and break it intosmall pieces, some can even be crumbled good, to better consolidate the base of the cake. In the crushed cookies add our cream and mix so that there are no dry sections of cookies. All this mass is laid out in the form of a slide on a beautiful dish and leave the cake for a while at room temperature, so that it becomes impregnated. And then we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, so that our culinary work stiffens. After that, it can still be poured on top with liquid chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar. The cake is ready. Delicious!
There is another recipe for an anthill (in factthere are a lot of them!). If you do not have time to bake cookies on your own, then you can perfectly prepare an anthill cake from a cookie bought at a nearby store. To do this, you need half a kilogram of any cookie (sweet, of course), you can use fish with poppy (they are small) and the same ingredients for the cream as in the classic cake: a can of boiled condensed milk and a packet of butter. The cream is prepared exactly as I described above, just as the main ingredient is used ready-made cookies. It turns out not less tasty, and cooking takes very little time. Such a recipe is useful for "field conditions" and for home tea drinking. Here the main thing is to find a suitable cookie so that it does not change the classic taste of this, favorite by all children, delicacies.
If the children tortured you with requests to cooksomething sweet, and in your plans today, well, did not include two hours spent at the stove, cooking an anthill with an "accelerated program" will greatly facilitate your life and release the evening.
I hope that you liked my advice on cooking my favorite dessert - an anthill cake. Bon Appetit!