/ / Find out how much protein in the chicken egg

We find out how much protein in a chicken egg

how much protein in a chicken egg
Protein is one of the constituent elements thatthe human body should receive with food. People who are engaged in sports pay special attention to the consumption of a sufficient amount of this substance. With the help of it, muscle cells grow. It should be noted that protein is the main product for those who adhere to proper nutrition, trying to lose weight or trying to maintain a good figure.

Egg white

The most common and simple waygetting protein from food is eating chicken eggs. In them, this substance is contained in its pure form. When creating low-calorie dishes you need to know the nutritional properties of foods, so many housewives are faced with the question of how many proteins in a chicken egg. Let's try to answer it. The whole egg is about 75 calories. Nutritional value may increase or decrease depending on the weight of the product. 15 units out of 75 are protein. But more precisely to answer the question about how much protein in a chicken egg, you can, having determined the way of its preparation. Additional ingredients added during frying, such as butter and vegetable oil, can several times increase the caloric content of the product. In one raw egg, 6 grams of protein. But in eggs fried with vegetable oil, 14 grams. If you add cheese to the omelette, then its amount will also increase to 14 grams. Having calculated how much protein in chicken eggs, how much fat and carbohydrates in the rest of the products that make up the recipe, you can calculate the maximum daily norm of BJU, which should be adhered to during the diet.

 how many proteins in a chicken egg

Diet and egg white

How much protein is in a chicken egg? How much of it can be consumed per day? These are issues that concern not only those who are striving for proper nutrition. At its core, the egg is a product of animal origin. The amount of protein contained in it is 14% of the daily rate necessary for normal life of the human body. Proteins are important in losing weight, they are builders of muscle tissues. With the help of them, the burning fat is replaced. In addition to the fact that many are interested in the question of how much protein in a chicken egg, you should pay attention to the content of useful substances in it. This product of animal origin contains several vitamins necessary for human health (for example, B12, B9), phosphorus, Omega-fats. During diets experts advise to focus on the protein.

 how much protein in chicken eggs
Yolk can be eaten, but it contains fats, which are not always shown for consumption. Egg white is easily absorbed by the body.

Important to remember

Answering the question about how much protein in chickenegg, do not forget about the amount of cholesterol. Its main content is in the yolk portion. That's why some people do not eat it at all. But it is recommended only to those who suffer from elevated cholesterol levels. Although in this case, experts agree that if you eat one whole egg, you will not cause any harm to the body.

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