/ / Simple and fragrant jelly from red currant recipe

Simple and fragrant jelly from red currant recipe

Among domestic preparations for the winter can be founda variety of pickles, jams, compotes and other goodies. In most cases, they are all varied, but they are common. Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, lecho, marinades, jams from classic types of berries and so on, is a standard set of a man who has a dacha or garden. But in fact it is possible to make so much all unusual from the same currant, sea-buckthorn, cherry and other kinds of berries. One of the easiest ways to diversify the winter table is to prepare jelly from red currant, a recipe which can reproduce any mistress.

As already mentioned, the recipe is simple in execution,But the products are also not much needed. To make jelly from red currant, the recipe requires the presence of berries, sugar and water (1kg: 1kg: 1 glass, respectively). To begin with, it is necessary to rinse the berries well under a stream of cold water. During washing, it is necessary to remove rotten or dry berries from the total mass, so that they do not subsequently affect the taste and the storage time of the jelly.

In a separate vessel, water is boiled and aftershort boil poured out there berries. The process lasts about 5 minutes, after which it is removed from the fire and the whole mixture, together with water, is dropped onto a sieve, under which there are dishes for further cooking jelly from red currant recipe. The berries are wiped, the remnants of the cake are thrown out on the screen as unnecessary, and a measured amount of sugar is poured into the wiped mass and placed on the fire. When the mass boils, mark half an hour. During this time, the banks are sterilized and in them the mixture is poured hot, wrapped and covered with a warm blanket or clothes, which is required for a slow cooling down.

Jelly will be ready the next day, and histhe mass will be equal to the mass of berries taken. The red currant jelly will turn out to be very bright and fragrant and, most importantly, you will not have to mess with gelatin, and jelly will still be very dense.

Modern technology makes it possible to waste time rubbing currants. Jelly from berries a recipe can be prepared using juice obtained by passing a berry through a juicer.

An alternative to this method of making jellyfrom red currants, a recipe for jelly from syrup. Here already without gelatin can not do. Since it should swell, then before the beginning of cooking it is soaked, and after the swelling is squeezed. Further according to the recipe, it is necessary to weld the syrup from two glasses of water and sugar, where gelatin is placed. The mixture is boiled again with continuous stirring, which is added any available syrup (fruit or berry). In the same mass, dilute citric acid is added. After the whole mass is boiled, it is filtered, a little cooled and poured into a special form.

Often by spring, jam remains, which alreadyno one wants to eat. In order not to lose food, it is recommended to try the jelly recipe from jam. He will need water, gelatin, jam. The usual gelatin, sold in the store, weighs 20-25 grams. It is poured into a bowl containing a glass of cold water. It takes 30 minutes to swell the gelatin, after which it is heated, not boiling, until it breaks. Since the jelly recipe is used from jam, 4-5 of its spoons are dissolved in a glass of water, the bones or skin are removed by percolation, and then the fruit is poured into gelatin. The mixture is boiled and poured into molds. Waiting for an hour or two receive a wonderful dessert. To create the impression of making jelly from berries, the recipe is accompanied by the laying of berries from jam to the bottom of the mold. Since the jelly will turn transparent, the berries will be clearly visible, and this will become a wonderful and interesting decoration, especially for children.

The shortage of the last two recipes is a low periodstorage. This jelly must be eaten much more quickly than that which is prepared without the use of gelatin. But you do not want jelly too much. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is worthwhile to spend energy on making jelly in the summer, if it can be done at any time.

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