Potatoes with meat in the oven - a real treat for any fuss
If you look at the average menu of a residentRussia, and maybe even wider, it turns out that the main product is potatoes. In all kinds. Most often, of course, fried potatoes, boiled and mashed potatoes.
At the same time, fried potatoes, so allfavorite, it is difficult to attribute to dietary products. Vitamins with this treatment are not preserved, but when frying is added fat, and in its worst incidence - overheated.
What do we recommend dieticians in return? You will be surprised, maybe, but - baked potatoes. Of course, the most dietary option is potatoes, baked in a peel. But there is still a variety of options that are both tasty, and satisfying, and useful.
This, for example, potatoes with meat in the oven. Choose the options:
Potatoes with meat in the oven, baked under a crust of cheese.
Dish, simple in preparation, is froma casserole from sliced into thin slices of potatoes, minced meat and vegetables layer by layer. First, in a pan, oiled, lay out the minced meat (ideally from meat, half an hour marinated in soy sauce). For meat lay a layer of vegetables. It can be a dry carrot, onion, dill and a bit of mayonnaise for softness of taste. Next comes potatoes with garlic and salt. The top layer - grated cheese, put in 10-15 minutes until ready. The time of cooking such a culinary discovery is about forty minutes.
As an experiment, we can remove the layer of meat from the recipe and diversify the vegetable filling. Then we will get a new option: potatoes with vegetables in the oven.
By chance were the mushrooms at hand? And they can be used in business. Then we get another dish on the same topic - potatoes with champignons in the oven.
You can also vary the dish - and make potatoeswith champignons in the oven with sour cream. Then the potatoes are cut larger - about four parts, laid out in a baking sheet covered with foil. We also put mushrooms, sour cream, mushrooms and spices. We cover the dish with foil from above - and bake until ready.
Potatoes with meat in the oven can be simplepotato casserole. Then we just cook the mashed potatoes, put the first layer on the baking sheet hot, lay minced meat with spices and cover with a second layer of mashed potatoes. The casserole is put in the oven for about half an hour.
Here we can replace minced meat, for example, with frozen vegetables - and get absolutely dietary potatoes with vegetables in the oven.
But this is not all that can be found on the topic of potatoes and ovens.
Potatoes with meat in the oven do not have to be something single and indivisible. Great combination of a good piece of pork or lamb with potatoes. We make the restaurant-quality dish easy and at ease.
Potatoes with meat in the oven. Meat, washed and peeled, sprinkled with salt and spices and cooked until half-ready. Potatoes are cleaned and cut into quarters. Salt to taste, sprinkle with red pepper and spices, add a little olive oil and mix the ingredients well (shaking in a bowl until the potatoes take on all the spices). We put the potatoes in a deep baking tray. On top put the cooked meat, cut into portions. Cover with foil (or, who likes, we put in the sleeve for baking) and put in the oven for another 30-40 minutes. The process is long, however, most of the time the oven works for us. But the result exceeds all expectations! By the way, if we use poultry meat, no long preparation baking is required. Chicken breasts or ham in 40 minutes will reach the readiness together with the potatoes.
Here's how many varied healthy dishes we canfind only on the topic of potatoes and oven. But this is only the beginning! Every culinary expert can invent a dish by himself, diversifying his menu! Experiment with healthy food, you will like it! Bon Appetit!