/ / Chicken on the bottle: what can be simpler and tastier?

Chicken on the bottle: what can be simpler and tastier?

Among all recipes cooking chicken recipe how to cook chicken on a bottle,is interesting for its unusual and simple cooking, and after the process of eating, the dish also conquers its taste qualities. The chicken looks appetizing, fragrant and very juicy. Especially popular this recipe was in the 90s of the last century, when meat products could be bought with difficulty. Chicken on the bottle was considered a festive dish, thanks to which it was possible to tasty and inexpensive to feed the guests. Loved the dish prepared on weekdays.

If you have not tried such a recipe for chicken, be sure to prepare. You can also love this recipe because it takes very little time to prepare it.

How to cook chicken on a bottle?

For a dish, a broiler chicken weighing more thankg. The carcass should be well washed inside and outside and remove the tips of the wings, the lungs, the tail and other unnecessary parts. Also a bottle will be needed, on which the hen will be prepared. Earlier, milk bottles were used for these purposes. Now they are not released and you will need to look for something suitable. Check if the bottle is suitable for our purposes in height. You can also pick up another narrow glass jar.

You can not do without mayonnaise or sour cream (uswill need about 150 grams), salt and spices. Spices can be selected according to your taste (most often it's a variety of pepper, adzhika) or you can buy a packet of ready-made spices, which is roughly the same as "For chicken." As an ingredient in this unusual dish you will need half a liter of dark beer or white wine. If the beer was not there, the water, into which it is possible to put spicy herbs, garlic, a few peppercorns and a laurel leaf, will also fit.

To begin with, prepare the mayonnaise sauce forsmearing the chicken. In mayonnaise, we add spices and salt. We rub the chicken with the resulting sauce and leave it for two or three hours to lie down, so that it is slightly de-marinated.

In the meantime, we are preparing a bottle. It should be perfectly clean, free of paper and glue. We fill the vessel with beer or water with spices. The liquid should be slightly warm if we place the dish in a heated oven.

When the chicken is missed, it should be worn onbottle. The hen should "hug" the vessel well. A bottle of chicken should be placed on a baking sheet or in a pan, into which water should be poured. Some culinary experts recommend pouring simply cereals. This is done so that the juice from the chicken does not burn.

All this construction is placed in a non-combustible oven,because the hot bottle can crack and the chicken will not be. Or proceed as described above: warm slightly beforehand the liquid in the bottle. The chicken on the bottle is baked best at 200 degrees for about 1 hour 20 minutes. The cooking time depends on the weight of the chicken carcass.

To get a nice and crispy crust on the chicken, bake it for 25 minutes on high heat, then reduce it and bring the dish to the ready.

If you notice that the chicken on the bottle has become burned, use a foil and wrap it. Drain chicken formed in a frying pan can not.

Readiness of the chicken is checked with a knife. When the juice stops growing, the dish is ready.

When the chicken on the bottle blushes up and is ready, show a little more patience. Let it cool down in the oven for a while.

There is another great idea of ​​howto cook chicken on a bottle. At the bottom of a frying pan or a baking tray, you can lay out potatoes, vegetables, salt and pour them with mayonnaise sauce. Garnish to the chicken is almost ready. He will cook with the chicken and will be no less delicious.

Recently, some gourmets are advised to cover the chicken with cheese or soy sauce before cooking. Probably worth a try.

As you can see, all ingenious is simple. Bon Appetit!

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