/ / Pike perch baked in the oven with vegetables - a hearty and flavorful dish

Pikeperch baked in the oven with vegetables - a hearty and flavorful dish

Pike-perch baked in the oven with vegetables, it turns out very tasty and satisfying. If it is beautiful to cook such a dish with the use of cooking foil, then it can be safely submitted to the festive table as the main hot dinner. But to implement this venture, you will have to make every effort.

Pike perch stuffed, baked in the oven

Necessary ingredients:

Pike-perch baked in the oven with vegetables

  • parsley, fresh dill - over a large bunch;
  • pike-perch frozen large - 1-2 pcs .;
  • ripe large lemon - 1 fruit;
  • tomatoes red medium - 4 pcs .;
  • pepper fragrant, iodized salt, as well as any aromatic spices and seasonings - added at personal discretion;
  • fresh bulbs - 2 pcs .;
  • mayonnaise of low fat content - 105 g;
  • sour cream 30% thick - 75 g;
  • olive oil - 2-3 large spoons.

Process of fish processing

Pikeperch baked in the oven with vegetables, it turns outtasty and juicy, if it is cooked in a dense culinary foil. But before you put it there, the fish needs to be well processed. To do this, it must be rinsed in cool water, cleaned of the viscera and scales, and also remove all unnecessary fins. The tail and head can be left behind.

Preparation of marinade

Pikeperch stuffed baked in the oven
Pike-perch baked in the oven with vegetables willmuch juicier if it is pre-soaked in a lemon marinade. To do this, squeeze into the bowl ½ of a sour fruit, sprinkle with iodized salt, aromatic spices and seasonings, sweet pepper, and also add a small fat mayonnaise. All these ingredients must be mixed and then coated with fish, both internally and externally. In this condition, it is desirable to keep the product in enamelware for about 1 hour. During this time, it should partially absorb the aromas of marinade and become more juicy and tasty.

Preparation of vegetables

To pike-perch baked in the oven with vegetables,it turned out not only tasty, but also satisfying, it is recommended to stuff it with the following ingredients: parsley, dill, onions and tomatoes. All these products must be washed, cleaned (if required), and then cut into thin circles.

Forming a lunch

If you have taken into account all the rules for preparing thisdishes, you will certainly get a delicious and juicy baked fish in the oven. Pike perch should be placed on a baking sheet, which must be pre-lined with cooking foil. Then the belly of the fish should be widely opened, and then fill it with finely chopped greens, circles of tomatoes, onions and lemon. After this, the product must be poured with olive oil and well wrapped with foil.

baked fish in the oven pikeperch

Heat treatment

Prepared package with fish requiredput in the oven for about 35-42 minutes. After this time, the dish should be reached, carefully unfolded, bend the edges of the foil, and then abundantly grease the walleye with a thick 30% sour cream. In open form, it is advisable to keep the dinner in the oven for about 6 minutes.

How correctly to submit to the table?

Pike perch baked in foil is served to the table in a hot condition, along with a rich side dish of crumpled, boiled or fried potatoes.

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