How to cook pasta pasta
The most common pasta among ourit is not customary to call compatriots Italian pasta, but to receive such a dish, you must follow three basic rules: to get the "right" pasta in the store, then properly weld them and flavor them with the most suitable sauce for this product.
How to cook pasta? In Italy, it is believed that it is cooked throughout the year, as on holidays so weekdays - with cheese or meat, seafood or vegetables, as well as with other ingredients - as far as you have enough imagination. The main thing in this process is the generally accepted rules.
Before preparing the sauce, you should know that there is a direct relationship between the shape and contents of the sauce, as well as the size of the product.
How to cook pasta for pasta.
Sauce-ragout is prepared on the basis of chicken giblets,meat, smoked products, and mushrooms. It is very nutritious, tasty and good for refilling almost all types of pasta, although it is worth saying that it is most suitable for thick-walled, short, large diameter products. Sauce, which is cooked on vegetables or fresh tomatoes, pasta with small holes gives a certain piquancy.
How to cook pasta with seafood.
The sauce, which includes fish and seaproducts is a wonderful seasoning for dishes - for both short and long pasta, including tubular ones. The so-called white sauce, which is made with butter, cream or sour cream, is perfect for thin flat products, especially prepared by yourself.
How to cook pasta from small pasta,which have the original form? For them, a sweet sauce, for example a sauce cooked on the basis of prunes, will do. Prepare it fairly simply: to do this, take a glass of prunes, soak it in water and rub through a sieve. Then add the meat broth or boiling water, sugar, salt, various spices and boil for a couple of minutes to get a thick consistency.
To get a good paste, it's enoughsprinkle with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with fresh basil and grated Parmesan cheese. You can also add a few drops of balsamic vinegar and season it with ground black pepper.
There is another way to prepare the sauce -should fry a few seconds of garlic, which is pre-chopped in olive oil, add to it sliced ripe tomatoes, removing the skin first, season and pour for several minutes, then mix with pasta and serve.
How to cook pasta with the most popularsauce? This is a seasoning based on bacon and parmesan. For its preparation, you need two hundred grams of spaghetti, one hundred and fifty grams of bacon or smoked ham, forty grams of parmesan cheese, one hundred and fifty grams of onions, olive oil, two hundred grams of cream, pepper and salt.
All clean, cut, fry onions on a weakfire, adding to it olive oil, as well as twenty-five grams of creamy. Then, putting everything in a saucepan, pour two liters of water and put on fire. Brew until half cooked.
Bacon cut into small thin slices andfry until crispy crust without oil, then allow to drain excess fat. In the boiling water put spaghetti and cook as much time as indicated in the instructions on the package.
In a frying pan with onions should be added roastedham or bacon, pepper and cream. Put the mixture on low heat for a while. After the mixture is ready, add it to the pasta. Laying the product on a dish, it is necessary to sprinkle with Parmesan, before serving it to guests.
The main rule of how to prepare a paste is the need to make the sauce the thicker, the shorter and thicker the pasta.