/ / Baked chicken legs in dough

Baked chicken legs in dough

Baked chicken legs are a favorite dish of many people. Some prefer to cook chicken with vegetables, others prefer battered or battered pouches.

Perhaps you've already read a huge amountarticles with recipes for the preparation of the dish "Chicken legs in the test," but if you paid attention to this - then you are not quite satisfied with the previous culinary tips.

In the article that you read, there are a few secrets that allow the dish to turn out delicious. This secret is cooking dough and marinade for chicken.

Chicken legs before they bake, you can marinate or season with spices.

Recipes for chicken marinades (seasonings)

Option number 1


  • pickled cucumbers - three pieces;
  • pepper (ground) black - half a teaspoon (can be less);
  • curry - half teaspoonful;
  • walnuts - handful (peeled).

Cucumbers are rubbed on a grater (large), nuts are alsogrind on a grater, only on a shallow. Prepares a marinade of cucumbers, curries, nuts and peppers. Chicken legs are placed in it, they should lie down for half an hour. After that they can be cooked.

Option number 2


  • curry and salt - to taste;
  • greens (different) - bunch;
  • vegetable oil - three tablespoons;
  • vinegar - a little more than a teaspoon.

Greens need to be ground and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. In such a mixture, the chicken should lie down for a few minutes.

Now we will talk about the dish "Chicken legs in batter".

Preparation of batter

Recipe # 1

Simple Artist:

  • water-glass;
  • flour - about two glasses;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • curry - half a teaspoon.

In warm water, salt and curry are added, then flour is gradually introduced. This batter is smeared with chicken legs, which can be fried in a skillet or cooked in a wind or microwave oven.

Recipe No. 2

Potato starter:

  • flour - two tablespoons (you may need more);
  • potatoes - four pieces;
  • pepper, and also salt - according to your taste;
  • the egg is one.

Potatoes should be grated. Add all the other ingredients to it and mix it thoroughly. Ready-made can be smeared with chicken legs. This dish is cooked in the oven at one hundred and eighty-five degrees for about half an hour.

Chicken legs in the dough, recipes

Recipe # 1:

  • flour - two thirds of the glass;
  • water - one third of the glass;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • salt - if desired;
  • soda (slaked) - on the tip of the knife.

Chicken legs in the dough, cooking "bags":

Eggs are beaten with salt, then added to themsoda (slaked) and water. Everything mixes well. After this, the flour is added gently. Ready dough is rolled and cut into slices. The center of each mug is placed a chicken leg, a "bag" is formed from the dough.

Bake a dish for about forty minutes in the oven at a hundred and ninety - one hundred and ninety-five degrees.

Recipe # 2:

  • flour - two glasses;
  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • water - slightly less than a glass;
  • butter (cream) - one spoon (dining room);
  • salt is little.

Flour, sugar and salt are mixed together. Then this mixture is combined with oil and warm water.

Ready dough rolled out, divided into parts, which are wrapped around chicken legs.

Bake the dish in a microwave (thirty minutes) or fry in a pan.

Chicken legs in puff pastry

  • margarine - one hundred and twenty-five grams;
  • kefir - one glass;
  • eggs - one piece;
  • soda - half teaspoon;
  • flour - two glasses;
  • salt.

Chicken legs in the dough are prepared as follows:

Margarine should melt and cool a little.

Eggs beat up with salt and combine with margarine. Add kefir, soda into the egg-margarine mass and mix well. Introduce the flour.

From the test to form "bags", in which the chicken is put. Preparing the dish in the oven at a temperature of one hundred and seventy-five degrees, just over half an hour.

Finished chicken legs in the dough can be served with any sauce and with any side dish, but it is best for a vegetable.

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