Omelette with flour: cooking recipes in a frying pan and in the oven
Nutritionists consider omelet the most useful optionbreakfast. It provides the body with enough calories, useful vitamins and substances that increase metabolism, improve well-being, allow you to actively start your day and spend it profitably. Meanwhile, in order to cheer yourself up in the morning, it is much more pleasant to have breakfast not only with a tasty, but also beautiful, lush omelet. Just this and can be prepared according to one of the recipes presented in our article.
Secrets of cooking a lush omelette
Many people think that there is no omelette in the preparationnothing complicated: beat eggs, added milk - and ready. But in fact, everything is not so simple. In most housewives, the omelet resembles a flat cake. And even if the egg mass rises well in a frying pan, it quickly falls off after opening the lid. For an omelet to turn out to be lush, one should take into account when making such an omelet:
- If time allows, whip the whites and yolks separately. This will increase the splendor of the prepared dish. By the way, eggs should be only cold.
- Flours should not be much. The optimal ratio is 10 g per 1 egg. Otherwise, the omelet will turn out to be too heavy and it will go bad.
- For an omelet with a filling, vegetables must be roasted, and in a separate frying pan. When you add fresh vegetables to a dish, the dish may turn out to be too watery because of the juice contained in them.
- Omelet with flour (and even without flour) should be cooked only under the lid. So he will rise well. In this case, you can open the lid only a few minutes after cooking, so that it does not fall.
How to cook an omelette in a frying pan with milk and flour: the classic version
A lavish omelet for many housewives remains a cherished dream. Meanwhile, the whole secret of its preparation is in the ingredients, including flour and soda besides eggs.
To make a quick omelet with flour and milk onfrying pan according to our recipe, you must first beat eggs well (5 pcs.). To do this, you need a mixer. Beat eggs for at least 5 minutes, until the formation of a lush foam. Then add the milk (100 ml). Continue to beat for 2 more minutes. After that, you can add salt, soda (¼ teaspoon) and flour (2 tablespoons).
Omelette is fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil over low heat. The frying pan must be covered with a lid, so that the omelette rises well. The dish will be ready in about 6 minutes.
Omelette with milk and ham
Many people like to eat omelette with sausage. As an alternative to this already traditional dish, we offer to make an omelette with ham. To do this, it is necessary to separate the proteins from the yolks in four eggs. Then whip the whites with a mixer and mix the yolks with a fork. After that, the two egg parts are combined into one mass. Now you need to add milk to it. It must be measured by the halves of the shell. How many eggs in the omelet, so much egg shells, filled with milk, you need to pour into the dough. In addition, it will take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour and as much vegetable oil.
How to cook an omelette on yogurt in a frying pan
A very delicious omelet can be prepared not only withmilk, but also with yogurt. This sour-milk product extinguishes soda, which is added to the dough. And as a result, the dish turns out to be more magnificent. The only nuance associated with the preparation of such an omelet is due to the fact that it will have to be turned in a frying pan. Otherwise, the omelet with flour will not be baked.
Omelette in a frying pan with cheese
The recipe for this lavish omelette is slightly different from the ones presented above. The fact is that here the eggs need to be divided into proteins and yolks, which will need to be beaten separately.
First you should prepare a spicy fillingfor an omelette. To do this, red chili pepper (½ pod) must be cut very finely, add to it green onion and smoked sausage (50 g). All ingredients need to be fried slightly in vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). Now it is necessary to whip the yolks of four eggs and proteins (with salt). In the yolk portion add a tablespoon of flour and a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, extinguished with vinegar (3 drops). Mix. Add fried fillings to the proteins. After that, the yolks can be combined with the protein mass with a spatula.
The recipe for a lavish omelette in the oven
In addition to the traditional, fastest waycooking an omelette in a frying pan can make it in the oven. In this case, the egg mass is also recommended to add soda, which will allow the omeletto to rise well, as well as flour that does not allow it to settle.
Preparation of an omelet with flour in a multivariate
Omelette in the multivariate to taste is not at allworse cooked in the oven or in a frying pan, and the time required is half as much. To make it, you will need all the same set of products as in previous recipes.
For breakfast enough will take 3 eggs andbeat them in foam. Add milk (1/3 cup), flour (3 tsp), a pinch of soda and salt. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the egg mass should be poured into the bowl of the multivark oiled (so the omelette will get tastier).
Omelet with flour is cooked on the "Bake" mode 20minutes. If the multivark has a function called "Multi-Cook", then it is better to select this cooking mode. The ready dish should turn out more magnificent and gentle on taste. Do not open the lid immediately after cooking, otherwise the omelet will settle. Wait another 5-10 minutes and serve the dish to the table.
Omelette in an oven with three kinds of cheese
This insanely delicious, but quite high-calorieThe omelet is prepared by their eggs and flour with the addition of three kinds of cheese: cheddar, ricotta and parmesan. It is baked in an oven in the form of a diameter of 26 cm and is very lush.
Omelet with flour in the oven, the recipe of which is presented below, is prepared in the following order:
- Fry in a pan for 10 minutes or bakein the oven, three red sweet peppers. Then put them in a bowl and cover with a film. After the vegetables have cooled, they must be cleaned of seeds and stems and remove the thin film from each pepper.
- Sift the flour (120 g), salt (1 teaspoon) and baking powder (3/4 tsp).
- Mix large eggs (9 pcs.) With a mixer in a separate bowl for three minutes. Then add flour mixture, vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), chopped pepper and a little green onion.
- At the very end of the egg preparation, add cheddar (150 g), ricotta (200 g) and parmesan (50 g). Once again, mix everything with a spoon until smooth.
- Pour the resulting mass into a mold and send the omelet into the oven for 30-35 minutes.
Omelette with tomatoes and herbs in the oven
Omelette, not cooked in a frying pan, but inoven, usually turns soft and dense at the same time. Outwardly it resembles an airy egg casserole. It will help to prepare such an omelet with flour in the oven recipe with a photo. Lush and very tasty, it will be very helpful by Saturday lunch.
- Mix Greek natural yogurt or sour cream (3 tablespoons) and flour (50 g).
- Beat 4 eggs at a time. Add salt, pepper and herbs to taste. Combine the egg mixture and flour mixed with yoghurt.
- Cherry tomatoes (350 g) cut into halves, grate cheese.
- Put cherry on the bottom of the mold.
- Sprinkle the tomatoes with cheese (50 g).
- Pour the dough into a mold with tomatoes and cheese.
- Bake an omelet in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees 25 minutes. </ ol </ p>