Salad with bacon: a man's feast
Salad with bacon for every man - it's alwayscelebration. Moreover, pork, as a rule, is combined with almost all products. In this article there are a large number of options for its preparation.
Salad with bacon "For students" getting ready well very quickly. It will be necessary to apply a mesh of mayonnaise on the leaf of a green salad, then spread the raw-smoked bacon torn with your hands, apply a little mayonnaise, then put eggs and cucumber slices on top and apply a mesh of mayonnaise. The top layer is olives and croutons. The combination of products is simply unrepeatable.
Salad with bacon "For Two". This dish is prepared on two plates. It is necessary to tear some smoked bacon to the bottom, then - ham cut with ham, grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle all over with grated cheese.
Salad with bacon "With avocado" marked by great sophistication and excellenttaste qualities. It is necessary to fry raw bacon in a saucepan, then put cherry in it, which is recommended to cut into several lobules. When everything is ready, add the mustard with the grains, olive oil and wine vinegar. Put out the mixture in this gas station. At this time, clean and cut into slices of avocado. Now we begin to lay the salad on a beautiful plate. It is necessary to lay a green salad on the bottom, then - an avocado. Then lay the cooled mixture from the saucepan. Decorate the salad with chives and onions if desired. The dish turns out well, very tasty.
Salad with baked pork "Sour" you can cook almost any. It will be necessary to cut the baked ham with straws, potatoes, marinated cucumber, beans. Mix all this, add pickled chanterelles and mayonnaise. It will be very fast, and, most importantly, satisfying.
A delicious dish will be if you make a so-called "Fresh salad." It is made from any green salad. Maybe even Peking. It is cut into small strips. In the same way do with boiled pork. Now it will be necessary to make more pancakes from the egg mixture with crushed garlic. After they are baked and cooled, they must be cut into thin strips. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise, adding a little garlic. Also it will be possible to put straws from a fresh cucumber. An acceptable combination will be if you add also cherry tomatoes, chopped into several pieces.
There is no better combination than a salad with rucola and bacon.
You can suggest recipe "Gourmet", which is prepared very quickly, but here's the dishwill be uniquely delicious. Raw bacon should be roasted in such a way that it becomes golden. It will take an average of eight minutes to fully prepare it. As a result of frying, a large amount of fat will evaporate, it will be necessary to postpone several spoons. Bacon is recommended to dry on a paper towel to "go out" all the excess fat, and bacon would have acquired its own unique flavor, not just fatty taste. Now, in a deep bowl, mix the hand-chopped hands, chopped dates, chopped almond nuts and parmesan slices. Now we begin to make the best dressing for this salad, because mayonnaise or sour cream is absolutely not suitable for filling this dish. It will be necessary to mix left fat, oil (preferably olive), pepper, salt and mustard with large seeds in a deep bowl. The resulting mixture must be very thoroughly beaten and pour the main ingredients. In order to beautifully serve this original salad, it is recommended to lay it correctly. It is necessary to lay a green dish on a beautiful dish, then lay out the resulting mixture with a slide. Now, on different sides of the dish, arrange neatly bacon.
Bon appetite!