/ / Carbonara: a recipe for pasta from Italy itself

Carbonara: a recipe for pasta from Italy itself

To cook a new delicious dish for dinner, do notyou always need to spend an incredible amount of effort and time. For example, you can try to make carbon fiber. To do this you will need about half an hour and a minimum of diligence, because such a dinner can even be done by a young housewife. Not everyone knows how to cook carbonara. However, the answer to this question is quite simple.

While for us, this dish is quite exotic. For Italy, this is everyday. It is said that historically the carbonars were fed by coal workers (in Italian, the name of the profession and dish sounds). Cooked it from noodles, cheese and pork cheeks. Today, cheap cheese was replaced with Parmesan, and instead of cheeks, smoked bacon is used. Carbonara, the recipe of which has undergone such changes, has become much more refined and tasty.

According to another version, the dish appeared due tocoal miners, and the Italian revolutionaries of the XIX century - Carbonari, in secret societies of which there was a ritual of burning coal, symbolizing spiritual purification. However, this version is inconclusive, since the dish appeared in the twentieth century.

According to the third version, the carbonara appeared in Romeafter the second world, when many people hunger-starved, feeding on imported American food: bacon and egg powder. Although in this version, not all is linked: where did the name appear in this case?

Nevertheless, to understand how to cookcarbonate, is quite simple, because almost all recipes of it are very similar to each other, they differ only in the composition of additional ingredients. The highlight of the dish is properly cooked spaghetti and a special egg yolk sauce with cheese, which distinguishes the carbonara paste.

The recipe for this type of pasta is in the famous book"Silver Spoon", which has been presented for more than fifty years as a wedding gift to Italian brides. The classical way of cooking is not much different from the existing ones today, however, every mistress tries to make something new in it.

Carbonara paste itself is very similar to many of itsother types, but the sauce served to it is simply unique. There is not one recipe for its preparation. It is very important to prepare the paste itself and the sauce for it simultaneously, in parallel, so that you can mix them quickly at the end and immediately submit them to the table. Eggs from the heat of spaghetti reach the state of readiness right in the plates.

Caloric content of carbonara is about 600-650 kcal per 100 grams.

Carbonara: a recipe for pasta from Italy itself

Bacon (or bacon) cut into small pieces(it is possible брусочками). Grate 150 g of Parmesan on a small grater. Mix two raw eggs with sour cream (150 g) and basil (2 tablespoons) until smooth. Half of the cheese is added to the sauce, beat it with a whisk and season with a pinch of freshly ground black pepper.

Bacon fry in olive oil until ruddyshade (about 15-20 minutes). In salted water, boil the spaghetti so that they remain slightly hard (al dente). Frying pan and bacon is set aside for slow fire, pour sauce into it, stirring constantly so that it does not curdle. Then put the hot spaghetti in the pan, mix everything. Serve to the table immediately, sprinkling the remaining parmesan on top.

Carbonara: recipe with cream

Fry the bacon (250 grams) in a dry hot frying pan to a rosy state (about 8 minutes), transfer it to a paper napkin to get rid of excess fat.

In a deep form, whisk three large eggs with grated Parmesan (80 g), add a little pepper and salt, pour 100 ml of cream, mix everything.

Spaghetti (linguine or spaghettini) boil overinstructions on the packaging to the aldente state. Drain the water and put the paste in a container to the egg mass, add bacon, mix. Immediately submit to the table.

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