/ / Tomatoes "hedgehogs" with garlic for the winter - one of the recipes for home preservation

Tomatoes "hedgehogs" with garlic for the winter - one of the recipes for home preservation

Do not be surprised by the name. Tomatoes "hedgehogs" with garlic for the winter - just one of the recipes for home tasty and healthy preservation. And everyone can cook on it, even the very beginner, the hostess. Well, are they intrigued? Then we begin!

tomatoes hedgehogs with garlic for the winter

Tomatoes "hedgehogs" with garlic for the winter: recipes basic

Do not be frightened at once: nothing difficult to do. Just take: five kilograms of tomatoes, several heads of garlic, sugar and salt, vinegar - and you can start an exciting lesson. We hope that this recipe will be able to please in the cold season and loved ones, and guests who have run in to warm themselves. Or maybe tomatoes "hedgehogs" with garlic for the winter will be used as an excellent and savory snack for hot drinks? Who knows.

tomatoes hedgehogs with garlic for the winter recipes

Prepare and roll up - it's easy!

  1. So, let's take tomatoes that are not too large, but they are not too small, for example, cherries do not fit. They are washed out of litter and dirt and wiped dry with a kitchen towel.
  2. Preparing garlic. It's just that it will take a lot. Clean the denticles and cut them in the form of straws or small brusochkov.
  3. Then in each of tomatoes we will make small punctures (by the way, it's better to take hard, fleshy tomatoes with the help of a wooden toothpick, then the process of piercing the holes does not take much time and effort).
  4. In these punctures, carefully insert the straw from garlic.
  5. "Hedge" store (again, maximallyneatly) in sterilized triplicates (you can, of course, use less volume). Do not tamble and do not break garlic feathers-thorns. By the way, at this stage, you can also season the seasoning, but in the basic recipe - no excesses, except garlic!
  6. Now we are preparing marinade. On a liter of water, we introduce three large spoons of sugar, one - salt, a little vinegar. Marinade is boiled and poured containers with tomatoes and garlic. After five minutes, the marinade must be drained and boiled again.
  7. Again, pour the liquid into the jars. Now you can roll up. It is quite convenient, by the way, to use screw caps. Try it - you will not regret it! And there will be no need for a filling machine. It is only necessary to choose a threaded jar for domestic workpieces, and the process will be greatly facilitated. A pickled tomato hedgehogs with garlic for the winter will become a favorite family snack for all occasions. Such yummy - you can not stop!

tomatoes hedgehogs with garlic for the winter reviews

Green "hedgehogs" with a carrot in the teeth!

This culinary recipe for tomatoes "hedgehogs" withgarlic for the winter is realized with carrots, garlic and green tomatoes (especially it will be relevant for those who have their own site). The workpiece is simple, does not require a lot of effort and money, but in winter it is tasty and spicy - the best snack in the cold.


Reviews of tomatoes "hedgehogs" with garlic for the winteronly the most positive. They say that bright carrot slices, plus snow-white pieces of garlic look beautiful in green tomatoes. According to many tasters, in the winter on the festive table is a find, even decorating especially does not need anything. Yes, the prescription presupposes sterilization. It is better to roll a dish into a jar with a capacity of a liter, but you can apply a variety of containers.

For the preparation we need: tomatoes are green medium size - three kilos, several medium carrots, a garlic head, several dill baskets (put directly into a jar), bay leaf, sweet and peppered peas, several bulbs.

For marinade it is necessary to take: half a cup of salt, a glass of sugar, a glass of vinegar 9%, water (3 liters).

pickled tomatoes hedgehogs with garlic for the winter

Cooking is easy!

You'll see, green tomatoes "hedgehogs" for the winter with garlic and carrots - an excellent and easy-to-prepare dish.

  1. Garlic with carrots cut into strips or not too large slices. By the way, they do not need to be very thin, because it will not be convenient to insert them into tomatoes.
  2. Green tomatoes are released from the pedicels, carefully and then stuffed with carrots and garlic, piercing the place for this with a wooden toothpick.
  3. In pre-prepared jars we lay dill, spices, then stuffed tomatoes.
  4. Fill with boiling marinade. We put sterilized in a container with hot water for a small fire. If the boiling is not strong, the process takes about a quarter of an hour. Then jars with the product must be twisted, turned over and wrapped. After a while, as cool, check for leaks and put away for storage.
  5. As necessary, take out a jar and treat yourself to a delicious and useful home preparation! Enjoy your appetite!
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