/ / Children in a dream. To good or to thin?

Children in a dream. To good or to thin?

to see children in a dream
Children are the flowers of life. It is unlikely that there will be a person who does not smile, looking at how the children are noisily playing on the court. But is it so good to see children in a dream? What does it mean: joy or future troubles? Let us turn to the dream books for help.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to,what children in a dream. Strong, beautiful or defective, they are similar to real people or unknown. Here, practically everything that is remembered can benefit the interpretation. One thing is for sure: if the son was dreaming in a dream, then, regardless of the sex and age of the parent, this means only concern and concern for one's own offspring and nothing more.

The most piquant interpretation gives us a DreamFreud. He claims that children in a dream are a symbol of the genitals. And if the child is male, then it means male organs, if female - female. Sleeping, who is nursed in a dream with children, is most likely not sexually satisfied in life and has a craving for masturbation. If the sleeper punishes the child of the opposite sex, then again it speaks of a propensity to self-satisfaction, and if one sex with him - about the inclination to unconventional orientation, and if the child saves, he wants to have his own.

children in a dream
Sonnik Miller, on the contrary, connects the children withanxiety and well-being. For example, if children in a dream are beautiful and healthy, then this is a sure sign of prosperity, happiness and all the best. If a sleeper in a dream is messing with children, it means that he will achieve his in affairs of love and commercial. But crying children in a dream - a sure sign of trouble, which will necessarily visit the sleeper in the near future. A dead child in a dream means anxiety.

The most positive values ​​are given by the esoteric dream book and the dream book of Tsvetkov. The first treats the dreamed children as good and kind relation of those around to the sleeper, and the second - calmness and success.

son in a dream

Where more gloomy prophecies can be found inthe dream book of Vanga. Judging by it, children in a dream never foretell anything good: children play - to small problems, cry - to a world war, children with disabilities - to an ecological catastrophe, to play with children - unsuccessful search for work. It's strange that such a bright image, as children can cause a lot of negative associations. Perhaps this is due to Vanga's own childhood (it was very difficult for her, if at all possible to say that it was), but this is a discussion on another topic.

David Lofa's Dream Book gives the most suitableinterpretation, more like reality. According to David, children in a dream are a reflection of our life in reality. And from the side of our thoughts. The very interpretation of dreams with children will depend entirely on the state and actions of children in their sleep. If you look at such dreams from this point of view, you can quite confidently say that such an interpretation will most closely correspond to the truth.

Summarizing, it is worth noting that the main partinterpretation of dreams related to children, is devoted to the emotional sphere of the sleeper and only in one case (Wangi dream book) - with world problems. So those who have dreamed of children in their dreams can practically not worry about anything, except about the world ecological catastrophes, which, if they do happen, it will not happen in the near future.

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