/ / Why is loosening of the soil called "dry irrigation"? Why is it so called?

Why is loosening of the soil called "dry irrigation"? Why is it so called?

When growing any garden culture requires regular and constant loosening of the soil. This process is a very important point of care for all plants.

Why soil loosening is called dry watering

Soil loosening

What is the purpose of loosening the soil around the plants? Due to loosening, the first thing to do is to facilitate the entry of air into the soil and, consequently, the access of oxygen to the roots. At the same time, weeds are being destroyed. After loosening improves the absorption of moisture during irrigation or rain.

what is dry watering
For this purpose, garden tools are used: hand cultivators, hoes, flat cutters, etc.

However, many gardeners consider both loosening anddigging is an extra process, even harmful to the soil. As an alternative, they propose to cover the surface of the earth in vegetable gardens and gardens with mulch, since under it there is no earth crust. And this approach has both positive and negative points.

What is preferable and why? Soil loosening is called "dry irrigation", as will be discussed below.

How to produce work?

In traditional farmingrepeated loosening of beds during the season. On soils that have not been treated in this way, after rain and watering, the soil surface is often covered with a dry crust, making it difficult to create new shoots.

What is the purpose of loosening the soil around the plants
Particularly difficult to germinate parsley, carrots, fennel and dill. At the same time, the root system of plants undergoes oxygen deficiency.

In connection with the above, when planting carrots anddill should be planted next to beacon cultures, which are easier and faster to grow (spinach, lettuce, radish). They will help determine where the ranks of unprocessed crops are. This will help without harm to future plants to soften the soil. It is also useful to produce the same treatment at the bases of trees and bushes.

It is desirable to loosen the soil while it is wet.

What is "dry watering"?

Professional field crop farmers are well aware of the importance ofloosening when growing plants. In the fields often operate tractors engaged in harrowing crops of cereals and corn. This process is usually performed before emergence and after. In some places, they also harrow after the shoots have grown stronger.

Such loosening is done not so much for the purposethe destruction of weeds, how many to create a layer of mulch on the soil under the plants, preventing the evaporation of so much moisture. It is clear why the loosening of the soil is called "dry irrigation." This is the name for this treatment of agricultural machinery. This method is an alternative to watering and rain under severe drought.

What is dry watering
"Dry watering" protects the plant from drying, without loosening the soil dries to the roots of the plants, which leads to the death of the latter, even the cracked earth itself can damage the roots-tear them.

Many gardeners underestimate this method,prefer to water more often, which contributes to greater soil compaction. That is why the loosening of the soil is called "dry irrigation". The best option is to alternate irrigation with water with watering "dry".

Such processing of the ground helps to reduce the evaporation of moisture by almost 2 times.

Processes taking place in the soil

When asked why the loosening of the soil is called "dry irrigation," there is a more detailed answer.

Due to the destruction of the dry crust, loosening of the upper part of the soil surface to a depth of up to 5 cm, a heat-insulating layer is formed, which provides protection against temperature drop.

Tripodka for loosening
For example, on the very surface of the soil (loosened) or mulch in the daytime (in hot weather), the temperature reaches 35-60aboutC, and under this layer of soil or under mulch due to artificially created thermal insulation - up to 28aboutFROM.

This contributes to obtaining a good harvest of potatoes and other diverse cultures of temperate climate in the arid hot summer.

It is important for all gardeners to remember that one loosening is equivalent to two copious irrigation. It does not worse promote the preservation of very important for plants moisture in the soil.

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