/ Want to know how much brick weighs?

Do you want to know how much brick weighs?

As a material for the construction of brickUsed since long ago. The first buildings from the burnt artificial stone were erected in Egypt in the III-II millennium BC. The ancient builders of bricks were buildings of a rather complex configuration: arches, arches, etc. The shape of the ancient artificial stones was very different - these building materials were made as rectangular, and triangular, and even round. The usual bricks for us began to be made in England in the Middle Ages.

how much does the brick weigh?
Why you need to know the weight of bricks

Modern builders are more interested inhistory, and a simple and prosaic question about how much the brick weighs. And this is not out of idle curiosity. Knowledge of the exact weight of building materials is necessary for calculating the load on the foundation, as this makes it possible to determine in a timely manner whether there are violations in construction technology and, as a consequence, how strong and reliable the future building will be. I must say that the information on how much brick weighs in grams, builders are usually not required. As a rule, when counting, use cubic meters or in extreme cases the number of bricks in the package on a pallet.

So how much does the brick weigh? In order to answer this question, it is first of all necessary to understand what kind of artificial stone is being discussed.

What are the bricks

how much does brick red
In modern construction bricks of two types are used: silicate and ceramic.

• Silicate bricks are made from a mixture of quartz sand with the addition of lime and water. For strength, it is subjected to a temperature treatment (170-200 aboutC) under pressure. Such building materials are widely used in the construction of inter-room and inter-apartment walls. Possessing high heat and sound insulation, as well as frost resistance and strength - in comparison with concrete, - they are environmentally friendly. How much a brick weighs from silicate depends on its size, and they are double: one-and-a-half and single. The weight of ordinary single-layer silica brick is 3.7 kg. In the one and a half this value will be in the range of 4.2-5 kg. These figures refer to the working full-bodied stones. The weight of the hollow workers is 3.2 and 3.7 kg, respectively. Double hollow silicate brick weighs 5.4 kg.

• Ceramic (it is also called red) brick,made by centuries of proven technology from clay, has high strength and good sound insulation. Excellent frost resistance of such building material allows using it for construction in the harshest conditions. The production of this brick includes several processing steps, and therefore, compared to silicate, it has a higher price.

How much the brick weighs red also dependsfrom several factors, not only from the shape and composition of ceramics. An important role here is played by so-called voidness, which can be in the range from 25 to 45%. Accordingly, the weight of the brick will be different. For example, a single hollow ceramic brick with a voidness of 25% will have a weight of 2.8 kg, and with a vacancy of 35% the weight will be 2.5 kg.

how much does brick weigh in grams

So, to unequivocally answer the question about what,how much brick weighs, is almost impossible, because it depends on many parameters, such as brand, dimensions, appearance, as well as the size and number of voids.

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