Tomatoes and tomato Newcomer, as the most favorite of the varieties in the central strip of Russia
Tomatoes, or tomatoes, as they are also called inmany countries, are currently among the most widespread vegetables in the world. However, to be precise from the point of view of botany, as a science, tomatoes are fruits, and the type of their fruit is berry. But we are accustomed to correlate them with vegetables. So, the Supreme Court of the USA in 1893, when considering issues of payment of customs fees, it was decided that tomatoes should be considered vegetables, while recognizing that they are fruits from the point of view of botany. But in the European Union in 2001, decided that tomatoes are not vegetables, but fruits. Obviously, taking into account that in Italian "tomato" means "golden apple". But, most likely, proceeding from purely pragmatic, namely, customs interests. Be that as it may, Russian agricultural literature and everyday language consider tomatoes as vegetables.
Tomat the Newcomer
There are a lot of tomato varieties. Like all other fruit and vegetable crops, they are subdivided into early (early) tomatoes, medium and late. One of the most popular and favorite varieties in the central regions of our country are the Novice (mid-ripened) tomatoes. How do gardeners say about it: "We also plant new-fruity varieties, but here the tomato novice is mandatory. Although the variety is not exactly new, but a few bushes in the garden are necessarily present. "
This variety is divided into two types - tomatoNewbie pink and red. Tomato The novice (both of his kind) has fleshy strong fruits, which are very good for salads and for salting. The plants are medium-branched, have a deterministic type of growth, the height of the bushes can reach 85 cm. The first inflorescence appears after 6-7 leaves, then they are laid every 1-2 leaves. A brush plant usually contains 5-6 fruits, which have a mass of 75-80 g with an elongated-oval form. Tomatoes Novice orange-red, smooth, 3-5 chamber, easily separated from the stalk. The fruit has sweet sugar flesh. Plants ripen together, which allows you to harvest fruits as soon as possible. Nova Tomatoes are suitable for planting in open ground and for growing in film greenhouses.
Tomato fructifies 50-65 days after plantingin the ground. Yield of a tomato Newbie reaches 10 kg from one square. The tomato is very hygrophilous and shows good resistance to overripe, mechanical damage and transportation. Fruits of tomato novice so you can almost without loss transported for significant distances, they do not lose their presentation. The fruits tolerate long-term storage well, and the plants themselves are resistant to the most common diseases: macrosporosis (brown spot) and root-knot nematode, which parasitizes on plant roots. This is especially important when growing these tomatoes in areas where the soil is most heavily infected with these pests. Tomat the Novice with its sprawling, broad leaves closes its fruits, protecting them from the sun's rays. The fruits of the tomato are unusually tasty, suitable for whole-fruit canning. The excellent taste and external appeal of these tomatoes allows you to harvest them not only for your own consumption, but grow for sale.
Useful properties of tomatoes
Tomatoes, as we all know, haveexcellent, irreplaceable taste and attractive appearance. But, in addition, the fruits of tomatoes, which we invariably call tomatoes, have many useful and even medicinal properties. In tomatoes contain substances, minerals and vitamins, not only necessary, but also useful for the human body. They contain sugars in the form of fructose and sucrose, various mineral salts and substances (potassium, iodine, magnesium, calcium, zinc and many others). And also a virtually complete set of vitamins, beta-carotene and various organic acids.
What is very important, the fruits of tomatoes contain sucha powerful antioxidant, as an organic compound of lycopene, which is a unique natural medicine with strong therapeutic properties. And its content in tomatoes, as shown by chemical research, is quite high. For example, higher than even in the best quality cheeses. By the way, it is thanks to lycopene that tomatoes have such intense bright colors. This organic compound is well absorbed by the body, it is a good tool for preventing cardiovascular and oncological diseases.
However, the useful properties of tomatoes on thisend. They act as antidepressants, have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, promote proper metabolism and improve digestion.