/ / Lessons for amateur gardeners: how to cut a rose correctly

Lessons for amateur gardeners: how to cut a rose correctly

Rose is one of the most beautiful and beloved of usgarden flowers. Varieties of plants there are many. Some are more likely to live in the cool northern latitudes, while others prefer the southern climate. Therefore, intending to breed a flower bed in your queen, it is worthwhile to ask in advance whether the species you want to settle in your garden will get accustomed to.

Pros of independent breeding

how to cut a rose
More often it is more correct to do so: do not write seeds to order, do not buy in the market with hands, and build bushes by yourself. In this case, you will have a lot of advantages:

  • you will be engaged in exactly those varieties that can survive and bloom in your locality;
  • seedlings with roots, sold in flowerpots, are quite expensive, and you can earn money on your own pets;
  • Having learned how to cut a rose, you not only divorce a wonderful rosary in your garden, but also organize a family business if you wish;
  • Having understood the basic rules of rosace, you will get flowerbeds on which flowers will be able to smell from May to October-November, ie. most of the year, and this neighborhood will please everyone.

Basic rules of breeding

If we consider the conditions of growing a plantfrom seeds or seedlings, then the second method, of course, is much easier. It remains to find out such nuances: how to cut a rose, how to preserve planting material in winter, how to grow a root system, how to plant seedlings in the soil, so that they begin. Let us take a closer look at each item:

how to cut a rose

  1. Harness of twigs for planting. This is the first thing to do. If you take the pick-up from the mother's bush, it is important that the plant is healthy, with no withered leaves, traces of aphids, or any signs of another disease. How to cut a rose in this case? From an annual flower in the period when the buds have already appeared, and their color is clearly expressed, a branch 12-15 cm long is cut. At the bottom, the cut is made at an angle of at least 45 degrees, immediately under the kidney, from where the leaves appear. The upper cut is straight, 5-6 mm above the kidneys. The lower leaves are removed, so that the process spends less of the moisture. The remaining ones need to cut off half. By the way, before you cut a rose, pay attention to this nuance: park and remontant species for reproduction in this way are almost not suitable. But most varieties of tea or family roses, trellis after cuttings - perfectly acclimatized. They form a good root system, branched and developed.
    when is better to cut the roses
  2. To shoot out the roots, it is usually placedin a small amount of water or a nutrient substrate. By the way, another useful advice on how to cut a rose: suppose you were given a beautiful bouquet, and you want to plant the same ones. For this, when the flowers are faded, cut off the branches in the same way as described above. And send them to the nutrient medium. By the way, if you act this way, fresh seedlings you can have all year!
  3. How to cut the roses, we have already found out. Now we'll figure out how to handle the planting material. Firstly, if you notice that a white cone appeared in the bottom of the appendage, do not touch it. This is the callus from which the roots are about to appear. When planting in the soil, place this shank extremely carefully so that the build-up does not damage, otherwise the plant will die. In other varieties, roots appear from the stem in the usual way. Planted cuttings in the soil, consisting of a mixture of humus and sand, in a non-flammable place. It is better to cover them with a "cap" from a plastic bottle or a regular jar, often watered and sprinkled. Seedlings take root within a month. Then watering and spraying are somewhat reduced.
  4. When is it better to cut roses? This has already been said: when buds appear on mother bushes, their color is easy to determine. It is at this time that the plant is in the best possible shape: it is healthy and full of energy. However, the process can continue in the autumn, when the bushes are prepared for the winter period. Supposed seedlings can be carefully packed in cotton cloth, bury at a depth of 10-12 cm in the ground, from above to cover the ground so that the twigs are not terrible frost. Packed in this manner cuttings perfectly winter and spring ready for rooting. If the seedlings are sent to the open ground in autumn, the mixture for planting should consist of garden soil, compost and peat. Sprigs need to be stuck in the mixture and on top or to build something like a shalashik from the film, so that there are no slots, or use the banks. At the top of the planting, cover with straw or fallen leaves, conifers. Over the winter, cuttings will be taken and in spring they will grow.

It's so easy to breed pink plantations near your house. Dare!

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