/ How to get rid of mice in an apartment? Folk and modern means

How to get rid of mice in an apartment? Folk and modern means

If there are mice in the apartment, you will learn about it very soon. However, it is better to notice the appearance of rodents from the very beginning, while they have not yet managed to breed and cause more harm.

What signs indicate that it's time to look for a way how to get rid of mice in an apartment?

  • a brilliant droppings of dark color, which after a few days acquires a gray shade, becomes hard and dry;
  • in the room there is a smell of mustiness;
  • in the walls and floor there are small holes with "chewed" edges, not far away - crushed paper;
  • at night you can hear someone scratching something or gnawing.

Once you notice these signs, you need to immediately look for ways to get rid of the mice in the apartment.

how to get rid of mice in an apartment

Will the cat help?

By tradition, people place high hopes ontheir furry pets - cats. You may be surprised, but not all of them are mousetraps. In addition, an adult animal, finding itself in an unfamiliar territory, may not show any desire to hunt. A small kitten needs a lot of time to grow up and learn how to deal with rodents. Therefore, this option disappears immediately.


Mousetraps - known to man since ancient timesand a fairly effective method how to get rid of mice in the apartment. However, you can not call it pleasant. The most popular traps are those that consist of a special platform and a spring. As a bait, the most commonly used is odorous cheese. However, this method also has a number of drawbacks. Firstly, it is not always the mouse that perverts into the mousetrap, it dies. If she only pinches her tail or paw, she will start to panic in panic, or may start feverishly rushing around with a mousetrap around the house. Plus, silly mice can not be called, and therefore there is a great risk that they will bypass the trap.

electronic mouse repeller


If you are looking for how to get rid of mice in an apartmentwith glue, then you should know that in comparison with previous methods this one is more reliable. The big plus of such a trap is that it does not kill animals. Most of them are accompanied by a special instruction, which describes how to free the mouse. However, it is difficult to do, so the best way is to kill the animal. In any case, it's much more humane than throwing a half-dead beast into the garbage disposal, where he will still die. True, his death in the second case will be much more painful. It is best to heat mice in special reservoirs (not in wells and rivers, where people bathe!). In this case, the animal must be wrapped in a rag, otherwise it can bite you.


The last and best way how to get ridfrom mice in the house - use poison. The main thing is to carefully place the lures, so that poisonous substances can not get into the food of your pets or children. Another disadvantage of using the poison is that the rodent will not die in place, and therefore from time to time in your house there will be a smell of decay and decomposition. He will hold out until a week, until the dead animal's corpse is completely decomposed.


Another popular means is ash. She needs to sprinkle floors. Since animals often lick their paws, the feeling of constant discomfort will force them to retire from your home. This is a very humane way, since the ashes of mouse and rat will not die.

electronic rat repeller

Electronic repellers

Electronic mouse repeller - convenient andA practical way to combat rodents, which does not affect the life of your family. This is a device that produces ultrasound, not audible to the person's ear. The electronic repeller of rats and mice is not too expensive, but pests will leave your home very quickly and it is unlikely that they will ever want to return.

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