/ What is a scale? Detailed analysis

What is a scale? Detailed analysis

The article describes what scales are, briefly shows the history of their creation and considers their two varieties - floor and kitchen.

Ancient times

what is a scale

From time immemorial, at the dawn of originwide trade relations people have a need to accurately determine the weight and quantity of a product. And if, for example, with the same grain, this is simpler (you can measure buckets and other vessels), then what about the more bulky and different in mass, for example with poultry, meat and other non-friable foods? The first scales, which were found by archaeologists, date back to the V millennium BC and are made in Mesopotamia. Also this device is well distinguishable on papyrus from Ancient Egypt, which dates back to 1250 BC. e. But what is a scales and what are they?


According to official terminology, scales areapparatus for determining the exact mass of an object by means of an internal mechanism or by comparison with a reference value. The very first scales, which were used for a long time all over the world, were leverage. In appearance and method of weighing, they could differ, but the principle has always been one. The most famous are cups. On one bowl was placed the goods, and on the other - the reference cargo (one or several). When balancing both sides, the mass was accurately determined.

With what scales are, we figured out, but on what principle are modern and the same floor?

Principle of operation

In total, there are five types. These are lever, spring (in which the weight is determined by the degree of compression or stretching of a spirally twisted piece of metal), tensometric (in which the corresponding sensor deforms), hydrostatic (where the principle is based on the Archimedes law) and hydraulic.

In everyday life, spring andtensometric, since they have a small size, and the latter are highly accurate to fractions of a gram. Now we know what scales are and what the principle of their action is. Let's talk about the most common in everyday life or production - floor and kitchen.


floor scales

Such devices for determining the weightThey are used in enterprises working with overall and massive loads, which can be conveniently placed and weighed on the floor, for example, at the post office. In the latter case, they must be stable, accurate and durable.

The second area of ​​their application is purely domestic. Here scales outdoor are needed to determine the mass of people who are watching their weight. For example, athletes or just want to lose weight. They differ in their small size and thickness, act on a spring or strain-gauge basis. In the first case, they work without any power sources, and for the second they need batteries. Although some models are equipped with small solar panels, which for a dozen seconds are charged with a short-term energy store.

Kitchen scales

kitchen scale

Such scales mainly use restaurants and other establishments that make food. They are highly accurate, to fractions of a gram, small in size, protected from moisture, dirt and high temperatures.

Also, kitchen scales are used in households, when preparing dishes, where the exact mass of ingredients is particularly important.

Other fields of application

Without scales, a number of otherorganizations and spheres. They determine the weight of passengers' luggage at the airport, the mass of trucks at customs and elevators, containers in ports and railway terminals. Retail outlets are the place where we see scales of the most different modifications most often.

This is an indispensable part of the equipment in chemical, physical and pharmaceutical laboratories and enterprises in the relevant areas, where the accuracy of the mass of the components is extremely important.

Now we know what scales are, what they are for and what are the main types of these devices that exist today.

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