When to plant apple trees and care for them
Oh, thinking about when to plant apple trees! Sometimes they are akin to Hamlet. The seedlings are so young, thin, at the thought that they can be ruined by imprudence, the heart contracts. Here as here and advisers from all sides. Some say: "It does not matter when, it's important how!" Others, loudly mocking them, argue among themselves about the advantages of autumn and spring landings. Well, let's get smarter - we'll listen to everyone and draw our conclusions.
Now, from when to plant apple trees, let's move on to where and how to plant them.
The diameter of the pit for apple trees is calculated by the diameter delineated at the ends of the lateral roots, plus 5 cm. The depth of the pit is equal to the distance between the end of the longest root of the seedling and the graft.
When you plant the apple tree, the time will come, cut it outdiameter turf sharp spade. Then remove the fertile soil from the pit, mixing it with peat and compost (2: 1: 1). When the sand or clay will go - also fold them, but separately. Part of the mixture zasypite the bottom of the pit, in the middle place the apple seedlings, spreading the roots, so that the graft was above the soil level by 2-4 cm. Pour the pit with a mixture, pound it. After the transplant, the apple tree will drink with pleasure a whole bucket of water (10 liters), do not refuse it. The soil will ask - fill these places with the mixture. And top cover with a layer of peat (about 2 cm).
The last apple tree is supported -a wooden peg to which it will need to be tied carefully. It should be hammered at a distance of 8-10 cm from the stem of the seedling. The height of the peg should be level with the seedling.
As you can see, the answer to the question "when to plant apples" does not yet guarantee that you will succeed. A full harvest on the branches in autumn, a gardener will give only everyday work.