Tips for cables: scope of application
Cable termination is importantan event that should never be neglected. After all, it is not enough just to make a wire in the electrical device, it is absolutely necessary to fix it securely there.
Tips for wires: concept and scope
The modern level of development of science and technologyallowed to provide a wide range, which can be used by specialists depending on the situation and requirements. Most often when solving problems of this kind, tips for wires come to the rescue. At present, many forms and configurations of the named electrotechnical means have been developed. This contributes to their wide distribution in various spheres of human life, associated with the transmission and distribution of electricity. The tips for the wires are produced by different companies, so if you are faced with the need to purchase such equipment, you will always have a choice. You can support the domestic manufacturer, or you can test the products of foreign companies.
Execution types
On the characteristics of the transmission of energy and signalshave a great influence both the materials used and the quality of the execution. At present, copper and aluminum are traditionally considered to be widespread metals used in the described field. Wire tips made of such materials have a small transition resistance and a relatively low cost. These metals are often found in nature, which makes products from them available for mass production.
Auxiliary equipment
For reliable connection of terminals and cablesspecial devices are designed to make the desired operations simple and effective. Pressing pliers are common.