AK-511 - paint for road marking
Road marking is designed for regulationtraffic and pedestrians. And it is due to the importance of its function that higher demands are placed on it. The markings should be clearly visible at any time of the day, regardless of the season of the year and the weather. For this purpose, the AK-511 paint is suitable.
Characteristics of enamel
AK-511 is a paint that is an acrylic copolymer with pigments, modifying additives and other fillers added to it. The composition includes organic solvents.
Area of application - horizontal road marking. Suitable for use on roads, parking lots and other areas, having a surface of concrete or asphalt.
AK-511 - white paint, well visible onroad. If necessary, can be made in other shades. To obtain the glow effect over the freshly applied paint, the retroreflective balls with a size of 100-600 μm are scattered. Their consumption is 350 g / m2. When recalculating for the amount of paint, it turns out that 1 ton of enamel needs up to 583 kg of balls.
After drying, road paint AK-511 becomesresistant to abrasion, prolonged exposure to moisture and chemical solutions (for example, used to remove ice, oil stains or fuel from transport).
The paint consumption depends on the thickness of the layer and the experience of the master. When applying a layer of 100-200 microns thick, an average of 200-300 g / m3 enamel AK-511.
The paint dries in 15-20 minutes at an air temperature of plus 20 degrees. When the temperature decreases, the drying time increases.
The service life depends on the traffic. The average value is 12 months from the date of application.
The use of enamel AK-511
The paint does not need additional preparation. If necessary, dilution with solvents to 6-12% is allowed. Before use, the paint should be shaken thoroughly.
Enamel is used only at positive temperatures within 5-30 degrees and humidity, not exceeding 85%.
The surface must be dry, clean, free from dirt, debris and oil stains.
The paint for marking can be applied with the help of special road equipment or manually with a roller (brush).
Material Storage and Safety
The paint AK-511 is stored in a tightly closedpackaging, which does not penetrate air and moisture. The place should be protected from high temperatures and exposure to sunlight. The air temperature should be between -40 and +40 degrees. If the above requirements are met, the paint may be stored for up to six months.
Road paint is a toxic material. Therefore, you can use it only in the open air.
AK-511 is a flammable substance. Therefore, work with it should be carried out away from sources of open fire.
Work with enamel is allowed only with the use of personal protective equipment (respirator for respiratory protection and rubber gloves to protect the skin of the hands).
In case of contact with the skin, rinse with plenty of warm water using soap.