/ How to transplant a monster at home?

How to transplant a monster at home?

In many homes, offices and stateyou can meet this unusual plant. A young monster is like a bush, it has thin stems decorated with carved wide leaves. The adult plant is more like a palm tree. It reaches a very impressive size. In total, about fifty varieties of monster are known to specialists. This plant is a kind of creeper, so it likes to be wrapped around a support, be it a lattice or a pole. For them, the monster and grasps his tenacious air roots, which grow directly from the stem and branches, reaching a sufficiently long length in the process of growth.

How to transplant a monster

general information

This plant is considered very tenacious andunpretentious, so his home can grow even an amateur. You just need to know how to care for it, when and how much to water, fertilize, how to transplant the monster, etc. Gradually, as you grow on the leaves begin to appear holes, which are then transformed into bizarre incisions. It is because of the unusual beauty and unpretentiousness that this plant enjoys such great popularity. On how to care for him, water and how to transplant the monster at home, so as not to damage the root system, and tell you in this article. After all, in order for this large domestic "pet" to please the owner with his beautiful healthy appearance, he needs to provide certain conditions.

Care for the monster

This representative of the aroid refers to largelianas, therefore it is recommended to keep it in fairly large rooms. And if you look after a small bush simply, this can not be said of the large perennial "monsters", as they were nicknamed by the people. How to transplant a monster after the first year of life, everyone knows who is engaged in indoor floriculture. But what to do with a huge plant that has grown in height to the ceiling? That's why many are interested in how to transplant an adult monster.

How to transplant a monster at home

In order for this member of the familyaroids correctly grew and was healthy, he needs to ensure the following conditions: optimal temperature regime, suitable for illumination place, regular watering, spraying. But there is another process that this plant needs regularly: it's about transplant.

Optimal conditions for growth

Monster is a thermophilic culture. And this is not surprising, because it is a tropical plant. Do not let the room temperature drop below seventeen degrees. True, in winter the plant seems to go into hibernation, so it can normally exist even under a ten-degree regimen.

As for lighting, the monster does not likedirect sunlight, so it develops well in the penumbra. But if growth slows down, and holes and incisions begin to appear unevenly, then this is a clear sign of insufficient light.

Another proof of the fact that we are talking abouttropical culture, is the humidity, the level of which should be slightly above the norm. Therefore, experienced growers periodically sprinkle the leaves of the monster with lukewarm water. In general, you need to know that the temperature and humidity for this plant are in a directly proportional relationship, that is, the colder, the correspondingly, the less water it requires. Do not put the pot with the monster next to the battery or other heating device, otherwise it may blacken and dry the leaves.

The space for this representative of the familyaroids is also of great importance. Monster is peculiar to quickly and greatly expand, so for her in the house need to allocate a place where it will not be cramped.

Finally, the last condition regarding howcorrectly transplant the monster, requires the florist certain knowledge and skills. After all, in adult plants, in addition to leaves and a fairly thin and fragile stem, there are also air roots, with which it clings to the support. Therefore, before you transplant the monster, you should carefully think over how to do it so as not to damage them. In general, experts recommend changing pots every two years in the early spring.

How to properly transplant a monster

How to transplant a monster after purchase

You bought a small plant in the store withtwo or three small leaves. It does not look much like those giants that have leaves about fifty centimeters or more wide. But do not despair. Very soon, large glossy leaves with ornate slits decorate the room or office. In the meantime, you need to transplant the monster from the transport shop plastic into a beautiful pot. For this, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance. Many fans prefer to buy a ready-made soil mixture.

All work should be done with gloves,since the monster juice has an irritating effect. The young plant is transplanted in the usual way, as it has no air roots, which can be damaged.

Which soil is preferred by the monstera

Judging by the reviews, to plant this plantperfect mixture of earth "Palma". However, if it is not possible to buy it, you can prepare the soil from four different components. To do this, you need to mix one piece of coniferous, leafy and peaty land, as well as a half of sand. It is necessary to have a good layer of drainage. It is in such a soil mixture that the monstera will feel comfortable and enjoy intensive growth, of course, with proper care.

How to transplant a monster with air roots

Choice of pot

A small stem stem purchased inshop, it is quite possible to place in kashpo with capacity three-four liters. But in the future, before you transplant a large monster, you should take care of large dishes, as adults grow to a height of up to three meters. In the meantime, you can do with a small clay pot. Another prerequisite is the presence of a pallet.

Terms for transplantation

While the plant is still young, transshipmentshould be held regularly every two years. After it reaches six years of age, it can be transplanted less often: in three years. But in the intervals it is recommended to update the top layer of the earth in the pot.

How to transplant an adult monster

How to transplant a monster with air roots

Adult creepers have an amazing character: The larger the volume of their pot, the larger they grow. For a large monster, you have to take a large pot, "to grow", which in diameter should be eight to ten centimeters higher than the previous one. Before you transplant the monster, you should take care of the support in advance, which will need to be installed immediately. Alone to move a growing plant in another pot will not work, so you need to take someone as a helper.

How to transplant a large monster

Before the transplant, the monster needsthoroughly watered, so that the earth is completely soaked, and the roots become elastic. Then it is necessary to prepare and disinfect the soil mixture. At the bottom of the pot should pour the drainage layer and install a support in it. Then it will be necessary to get the monster together with an earthen lump from the old container. To do this, it is better to hold a knife or a spatula along its inner part, separating the roots that have grown up, and those that have grown into the drainage are pruned. It is best to stand on a chair and hold the monster while the assistant pulls it out of the pot. Then the plant should be transferred to a new plant, set it in the center and fill gradually with soil the space between the stem and the walls. Then the soil along the circle should be watered, wait until it settles, and add the rest of the earth.

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