Transformer OSM. Features of its operation and manufacturing
OCM transformer - single-phase step-down power transformertransformer designed to lower the voltage. It is used in case of an increased risk of electric shock to an individual. This OSM transformer is used to power a variety of circuits in general-purpose electrical installations, such as electric drive control, local lighting, signaling and rectifiers.
The designation "OSM" means: O - single-phase; C - dry; M - multi-purpose.
These transformers have the following operating conditions:
- apply in enclosed spaces;
- can be in space in any position;
- height of the location - not more than 1000 m above sea level;
- the surrounding space must be non-explosive, and it must not contain conductive dust;
- the temperature of the medium around the transformer must be between -45 ° C and + 50 ° C;
Transformer OSM, as a rule, is produced,taking into account certain standards, which assume numerous combinations of the secondary winding voltage: 12, 24, 29, 36, 42, 56 and so on. In some cases it is possible to provide this production at the individual request of the customer.
This OSM transformer has the following structure:
The fused magnetic circuit, which is assembled fromclosing and Ш-shaped plates of electrical steel. These plates are tightened with screws. Power windings are made of copper wire with a round or rectangular cross-section on a plastic or cardboard frame, taking into account the necessary power of the transformer. The output ends of the windings are connected to the contact bolts, which are located on the plastic panel. To these bolts, the mains and the secondary circuit are connected via a cable.
For some consumers it may be necessarythe original voltage, for example, for imported equipment or for the implementation of any author's idea, which also requires an author's component. As a result, there is a small problem in the search for transformers with suitable voltage and power. In this case, manufacturers should be contacted on an individual basis.
The finished transformers of the OSM are inspected in the idle mode, and also under the influence of the load, for the exclusive control over the quality of the products.
The manufacturing time of the original transformerOSM oscillates around 1-2 weeks. The determination of the specific manufacturing time of these transformers depends on the power required, on the number and complexity of the windings.
When operating no more than 4000 hours per year, OSM transformers have a service life of at least 12 years.