Self-painting of walls
In this article, you can learn the technologyindependent painting of the walls, as well as all the nuances of performing such work, which is not at all complicated, but at the same time, rather responsible. So, consider the sequence of actions that you need to perform in this case.
Walls, the surface of which is easily abraded orit is porous, it must be primed before painting. Before applying the primer to the surface of the walls, you need to fill all cracks and holes, if any. To apply a primer, the usual flat brush is most often used. Such training makes it possible to achieve an excellent result.
On the technology of self-painting wallsand the material from which the walls are made in the room. So, painting of walls from gypsum cardboard differs from painting of brick walls. A little secret: painters-professionals claim that it is most easy to paint walls whose surface is made of drywall. On such a material, the paint falls very easily and smoothly, however, in this case, much more time is needed to dry it.
Painting of walls starts from the corners of the room, and afterit is already painted all the other parts of it. Also when painting on walls, you can come up with your own decorative option. In this case, your room will have a more interesting and lively appearance compared to ordinary painting.
Thus, painting the walls in the apartment and itsthe final results depend on the preparation of the surface to be painted, on the quality of the paint that is used, and, of course, on the professionalism of the performer himself. Everything will turn out.