/ How to feed a newborn baby

How to feed a newborn baby

Since the moment of the birth of the child of parentscares only one question: to grow a healthy, hardy and strong kid. And as you know, a fundamental factor in the development and formation of a child's body is a full and proper nutrition. A lot of questions are the subject of feeding infants. Young parents often simply do not know how to properly nurse a newborn. The regime and diet of the baby cause a lot of questions.

how to properly feed a newborn

Fear of feeding

Often in the maternity ward you can hear howan inexperienced mother shares her experiences. What if the breast milk is not enough or it does not appear at all? I hasten to reassure the cowardly young mamas: breast milk can not but appear. Nature took care of this long before the birth of the child. It's quite another matter whether you are able to support the quantitative and qualitative composition of breast milk. What needs to be done for this? First of all, do not panic if milk was less than what is required for the baby. Experiences of a nursing mother can provoke a worsening of lactation. So, the very first thing is to regularly express the breast. The main cause of oppression of lactation is the stasis of secretion in the breast milk ducts. Therefore, emptying the breast is a mandatory procedure for a nursing mother. You also need to know how to properly feed a newborn baby, how often to apply it to the breast and how long the feeding process should be.

how to feed a child

Feeding by the clock

Many nursing mothers prefer an hourlyfeeding the baby. Meanwhile, almost all pediatricians recommend applying the baby to the breast at the first request of the pediatrician. A child who has to beg for another portion of breast milk with a touching cry begins to feel a sense of fear and insecurity. In the future, this can affect the child's psyche. Dissatisfaction in love and attention at this age stage can lead to serious psychological problems afterwards. In addition, the weak organism of the newborn is unable to digest the necessary portion of food for one feeding. And the process of sucking breast milk for him is tiring. Because in the first months of life, young children need frequent feeding.

How to feed a newborn baby

At first glance, breastfeeding issimple procedure. However, some nuances ignored by an inexperienced mother can not only provoke a feeling of discomfort in the baby, but also cause some diseases of the digestive system. During feeding it is very important to choose a comfortable position for both the baby and the mother. Thus it is necessary to watch, that the child easy got a nipple. Breast from the mouth of the child should not be removed until he himself will not let her go. If you feed your baby lying down, then his back should be insured. In the sitting position, it is convenient to place the baby's head on one hand, and to hold the baby's legs free.

Feeding for babies

How to feed a newborn baby if breast milk is not enough? Then the question arises about artificial feeding. You should know that no infant formula

feeding a baby
in any case is unable to replace the mothermilk. It does not just quench the thirst and hunger of the baby. Breast milk is responsible for the development and formation of the brain, nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems, bone and muscle tissues of the child. But it happens that there is an urgent need for artificial feeding.

Then you should know how to properly feedchild "artificial" milk? Firstly, the transition to infant formula does not mean that we should give up natural feeding. On the contrary, it is necessary to feed the baby from the bottle only after applying to the breast. Secondly, it is necessary to choose a food adapted for the age and features of the digestive system of the baby. Also, food should be selected taking into account the individual tolerability and tastes of the child. And the last thing, trying to figure out how to properly nurse a newborn, do not forget about basic hygiene. Everything that comes into contact with the baby's food should be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

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