/ / Leukocytes in urine during pregnancy. What is the norm and how dangerous, if there are more?

Leucocytes in the urine during pregnancy. What is the norm and how dangerous, if there are more?

Pregnancy is one of the most pleasantperiods in the life of any woman. But this is also the time of serious tests for her body. The situation can be complicated if the future mother has health problems, especially if they are not revealed at the time.

Today, medicine has moved far ahead, and eventhe emergence of serious pathologies of pregnancy can be resolved safely, of course, provided they are detected in time. Therefore, every woman expecting a baby should regularly visit an obstetrician-gynecologist, take all the prescribed tests and follow the recommendations. This will significantly increase the likelihood of the birth of a healthy baby and the preservation of the health of the mother.

Now a woman during the carrying of the baby givesmany mandatory tests. However, urine is most often studied during pregnancy, because it is simple and very informative. The future mum gives this analysis before each visit of the obstetrician-gynecologist, if everything is normal. In identifying pathologies, he will appoint additional studies.

For a reliable result it is important to implementcollection of urine is correct. It is better to use a sterile container, bought specifically for this in the pharmacy. It is necessary to insert a cotton swab in the vagina and carefully wash the genitals. Next, you should collect the average portion of urine in a prepared jar and deliver it to the laboratory.

As a result, leukocytes can be found inurine in pregnancy, and their number to 5 in the field of view - this is the norm. Detection of a larger number requires consultation of the doctor and retake the analysis to eliminate the error.

If the white blood cells in the urine during pregnancy are containedin the amount of 50 or more, this is a sign of acute inflammation. It can be in the urethra. However, most often in women bearing a baby, diagnosed with inflammation in the bladder (cystitis) and / or in the kidneys (pyelonephritis).

In addition, white blood cells in the urine during pregnancycan be detected in acute colpitis. Especially if the entrance to the vagina was not closed while collecting the analysis. Therefore, most likely the doctor will conduct a gynecological examination and take swabs. When the diagnosis is made, the patient's complaints also play a role.

Thus, cystitis is accompanied by a painful andfrequent urination, sometimes with pus, blood and fever. However, it is possible to flow without any symptoms. With timely detection and strict adherence to all doctor's instructions, cystitis during pregnancy is treated within 10 days without consequences for the fetus and mother.

If the cystitis is triggered, then inflammationspread to the kidneys and / or go into a chronic form, and this is much more dangerous. However, pyelonephritis can occur on its own. Its symptoms are back pain, temperature rise, deterioration of the general condition and kidney function.

This disease can lead to interruption ofpregnancy, gestosis, premature birth, hypotrophy, hypoxia and infection of the fetus. Therefore, it is treated in a hospital under the supervision of urologists, gynecologists and nephrologists. Safe antibiotics, antispasmodics, uroseptics and herbs are used. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Cystitis and pyelonephritis often occur in the lasttrimester, because the location of the internal organs changes due to the increase in the uterus. This leads to the fact that urine in pregnant women stagnates, and microorganisms are actively developing there.

In addition to taking medication, a strict diet is prescribed,restriction of physical activity, unacceptable hypothermia. You can not eat spicy, salty, spicy, fried, pickled, drink sodas and coffee. Alcohol and smoking are strictly prohibited.

Thus, white blood cells in the urine during pregnancymay indicate cystitis and / or pyelonephritis. With a timely begun treatment, the prognosis is favorable. If the patient refuses to take antibiotics and violates the prescriptions, the life of the fetus and the mother will be threatened.

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