/ / White Spitz: character, photos and methods of training

White Spitz: character, photos and ways of training

The most common breed of small dogsis a German spitz. His ancient descendant is considered to be a peat dog, which, according to scientists, lived in the Stone Age. Unfortunately, whether this information is true or not, one should only guess.

white spitz

Features Spitz

Do you like the White Pomeranian? Do you want to have such a dog? But before you decide on this breed, you need to know its characteristics. If you like an active, energetic puppy that will constantly attract attention and demand it, then the white spitz is just what you need.

This breed of dog will easily take root as ina country house, and in an apartment. But in the latter case, do not forget that because of her hyperactivity, so you can say, the Spitz needs to spend as much time as possible in the open area.

Characteristics of Spitz

Spitz - small-breed dog. They can be of different colors - from white to black, from cream to orange and mixed. White Spitz is the most common breed. But often there are those who have spots throughout the length of the hair (black, gray, red and brown). In the latter case, black and white Spitz is in great demand.

black and white pomeranian

The dog of this breed is very devoted to its owner. A white German spitz will never miss a single stranger. She will immediately alert you of the danger with her loud barking.

What a Spitz looks like

This dog is unique. If you mentally place it in a square box, you will see that the height of the withers of the pet is the same as the length of its torso. The exception is a dwarf Pomeranian white dog.

By themselves, these are small fluffy pets withpronounced upward tailed crested tail, located just above the back, and a small mane, like a lion. The black nose and dark eyes on the small muzzle look very expressive. The exception is brown spitz. Their noses are the same shade as wool.

The white German spitz, like all kinds of this breed, does not have a single fold on the muzzle. Its small ears-triangles are always raised. Their small paws are somewhat like felines.

Due to the small parameters, the movements of this dog are smooth and easy. Often the impression can be created that, when she runs, she practically does not touch the ground.

His quickness and appearance of the Spitz always brings a smile to the faces of the people around him.

The Spitz character

This breed of dog can easily be trained. They easily attach themselves to people and always obey their master.

white pomeranian

German Spitz is very affectionate, without a team henever attack a person. Therefore, this breed is often planted in families where there are children. For a child, this dog will become a true friend. The kid will not be bored with such a "nanny." After all, thanks to playfulness and speed, the younger friend will always cause a positive. It is also worth noting that the Spitz is very sensitive to the mood of the host, so it always adapts to it, like any other dog.

Despite his goodwill, puppies of SpitzWhite (like their other species) are wary of new people. In addition, they well remember the attitude of others towards them. Therefore, it is necessary to treat such dogs simultaneously and affectionately and persistently, if you want to properly train it. Spitz loves attention and perform all sorts of tricks for a treat. Often they are trained to perform at the circus arena.

Eating for Spitz

In the feeding of the Spitz it is necessary to adhere to several rules.

First of all, you should remember that ifchoose a puppy, then necessarily he needs to eat the food that he ate in the nursery. If you want to change the diet of his diet, then you need to do this gradually. Only this way the puppy will pass to the new food without pain.

Secondly, whether it's a white Pomeranian Pomeranian oranother kind of this breed, it needs to be fed daily with meat, which will provide its body with useful substances and vitamins. In addition, the daily amount of this product should not be less than 1/5 of the weight of the dog. Do not forget about milk and cottage cheese.

Thirdly, this dog breed does not accept vegetables. Therefore, they must be minimized, and in some cases, to zero.

Fourthly, in no case in the diet of the dog is notmust include non-natural products (for example, chips or sausage), flour products, pasta. All this can contribute to improper metabolism, which further threatens the pet with obesity. And the Spitz, like no other dog, is easily exposed to it.

Fifthly, portions of food should be small. The owner must necessarily adhere to a clear schedule for feeding.

Species Spitz

To date, managed to withdraw 5 species of Spitz:

  1. Wolfshpitz, or keeshond. This name comes from the English word "wolf", which means "wolf" in Russian. This kind of spitz called it, because they are very similar to wolves. The largest dogs reach a height at the withers of up to 46 centimeters. Usually these are gray animals, very often with colored spots on the sides.
  2. Grossshpits, or a large German spitz, the mosta major representative of this breed. It grows to 50 centimeters at the withers and, as a rule, has a white color. This was achieved by scientists about 20 years ago. Initially, the Grosssts had red or black hair.
  3. Mittelspitz. These are average dog parameters, reaching a maximum of 38 cm. In addition to white dogs, today you can find reddish, gray and black. Spitz white-red - the most common version of this species.
  4. Klyanshpits or a small German spitz. It grows from 23 to 29 centimeters at the withers. As a rule, these are small dogs of gray, white or red shades.
  5. White Pomeranian Pomeranian. It differs in its miniature. Its height at the withers is from 18 to 22 centimeters. They are like little cubs, which will melt the hearts of even the most gloomy people.

white german spitz

General care for the Spitz

White Pomeranian Spitz, like all other species of this breed, lives long (up to 20 years). But for the pet to be healthy and happy with his infinite energy, it is necessary to look after him properly.

First of all, you should understand that thisthe dog requires a lot of attention, and it is very much attached to its owner. Therefore, in no case should it be left alone for a long time. Otherwise, the dog will be very bored without communication, thus, her psyche will be disturbed.

pomeranian white-red

Secondly, the white Spitz should be provided with enough time for a walk, where he can splash out his emotions and how to frolic in the open air.

Thirdly, do not forget to make the necessary vaccinations in time and visit a veterinarian.

Care of white dogs

As we have already said, the Spitz is quite fluffyA breed of dogs, but caring for his wool is quite simple. To do this, bathe your pet as it gets dirty and comb your hair once in about seven days. For bathing apply high-quality shampoos for long-haired breeds of dogs. The most qualitative are American or European means. Often during bathing long-haired pets, a hair conditioner is also used.

If the spitz has a build-up of collars, thatunlikely in a healthy dog, in no case should they be torn out. To do this, you will need a special tool for unraveling and a little time. Gently spread your fingers around the "ball", then comb it.

In addition, do not forget about the timelyhair cut. Particular attention should be paid to the places between the fingers and around the anus. You can perform this procedure yourself or consult a specialist.

Care for nails, eyes, ears and teeth Spitz

Spitz also needs to cut the claws. To lose this is not worth it. Otherwise, there is a possibility of damage to the finger or its inflammation.

dwarfish pomeranian white

Often in light dogs, very much watery eyes. In order to remove the discharge, it is necessary to wipe the eyes with a cotton swab soaked in a special solution with a cotton swab.

Spitz ears, like any other dog, are cleaned bythe least pollution. It should be noted that you need to do this both outside and inside the auricle. If during this procedure the dog has painful sensations, then this is the reason to contact the veterinarian.

Dwarf Pomeranian white spitz tends to the formation of tartar, which causes not only aesthetic discomfort, but also internal, periodontal disease and even loss of teeth.

How to train a Spitz

White Spitz can easily execute the host team,if it is properly taught it. Of course, it is necessary to teach the dog as early as possible. To do this, do everything possible so that he gets used to you, his master: feed, poite, walk and caress him. Do not let outsiders do all this for you.

Black and white Spitz (or other species of this breed)should know his place well. Since in the future on the command "place" he should follow exactly there. In order for him to know where his corner is, you need to bring him to his rug a couple of times a day and say "place". Thus, in a short time the dog will understand what exactly this team means.

In order to avoid problems duringwalk, Spitz must master the team "next". Teach him to go only on one side of you. At the same time, his shoulder blades should be at the level of your feet. If the dog lags or runs forward, pull him a little leash to him and say: "Next!"

puppies white

The dog should have his leash, whichfully corresponds to its growth and mass. With its help, you will teach your pet to also "lie down" and "sit" teams. To do this, pull the cause in the desired direction. For example, if you tell a dog to "lie down", then, respectively, pull the lead down to the ground.

Another basic team is the "Fu" command. In order for the puppy to understand its meaning, put dainties near him and, when the pet runs to them, command "fu". In case of disobedience, hit a little dog with a stick. It is very important to use this particular item. Hand beat brothers younger can not, because the palm of their hand is associated with affection.

Remember that any animal will please you only if you properly educate and care for it properly.

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