The name for the team - how to name the ship, so it will float! We are moving to victory!
Competition is a great way to prove to everyonesurrounding their superiority. However, the most to achieve excellent results is harder, so team games were invented, where everyone has support and can be insured in any situation. But most importantly, what is important to remember if you need to put together your group? The name for the team is the moment you should not forget about. After all, as they say, as a ship you will name, so it will float.
What to consider?
So, it is worth noting that you can call the teamquite differently, everything depends on the imagination of its members or the captain himself. However, in this case, most likely, everyone should participate, and the name for the team should be selected collectively. What is the best way to think up? It is important to say that it is worth taking into account the place of competition, the level, and also the age group to which the majority belongs. So, for example, the group "Sunny", consisting of men, at a sporting event will look at least inappropriate. This also applies to children's intellectual competitions with a title, for example, "The Withered Wolves".
It is worth noting that, for almost any kindcompetitions - sports, intellectual, humorous - you can call the team by the name of the animal. So, it is always appropriate to look "Cunning foxes", "Quick hares" or "Skillful beavers." However, the adjective can be changed somewhat and give it a geographical component, which will demonstrate the region from which the players arrived. By the way, this will greatly facilitate the orientation of fans. It is also very important to remember that it is not enough to come up with only a name. Emblem, motto for the team - these are also very necessary elements for the competition. So, necessarily the emblem should reflect a certain meaning: here the first letters of the participants' names can be encrypted, you can simply beautifully encode the command name itself. As for the motto, it must necessarily sound the full team name. It is worth noting that it is best to make it comic, the same applies to intellectual competitions. After all, a good mood of the fans is one of the pledges of the successful game of the team itself (no one will argue that support is very necessary in such situations).
The first thought
It is very good to choose a name for the team fromthose that first came to her players' heads. It can be anything, but everything can be explained. If the players somehow got a certain name, why not consider this option. It is unlikely that it will be anything bad. Rather, simply a word that reflects the mood of a certain person. So, often for high-speed competitions choose the name "Speed" or for intellectual - "Clever". Than not an option, unpretentiously and with taste.
Known titles
Another way, how can you choose a name for the team: remember a slogan or a trademark that everyone has on hearing.
If you want to choose the name of the team forcompetition, why not borrow an idea from literature? There are just a lot of options, you just need to decide how you want to look before the fans. However, there is a nuance: you can not just take something, but also a few to remake. Especially it will suit, if it is necessary to name a command of KVN. So, for example, the names "War and Fat", "Dead Sushi", etc. will look very cool. A little imagination, and everything will turn out just fine.
Children's competitions
It is also very important to choose the right nameschildren's teams and mottoes. After all, kids are a separate topic. They, in principle, do not really care how they will be called in the group, but it can still play a huge role. If the kids do not like something, the game just will not succeed. Therefore, when choosing the names of children's teams, it is better to consult young members. The most simple and clear names for children are "Sunny", "Little bees", "Zhivchiki", etc. It is also important to think carefully about the slogan. Do not invent too abstruse or long verses, enough simple rhymed sentence, so the crumbs at the most crucial moment will not forget the words.
Family Competitions
It is also important to intelligently come up with a name forfamily competition. Here you can, however, call yourself anything, but it is worth noting that it is quite difficult to find something that will suit adults and children. One thing is for sure that such names as "Superheroes" or "Merry Family" are always relevant. Simple and unpretentious. And, most likely, all participants will like it.
It must be said that the hardest, probably,think up cheerful team names for a game like KVN. After all, you just need to get to the point and just naming the fans already laugh. What could it be? So, it is important first of all to take into account the specifics and fullness of the team. If this is a children's KVN, then "Brought by Storks", "Angel Devils" or "Children in a cage" will look great. As for older students, you can mock your intellectual abilities a little and call the team "Botany on Titanic" or mark your closeness to the release: "One hundred days to the graduation." If the team differs by gender and its members are exclusively ladies, then why not call "On the Stiletto", "Dinner Party", "Amazon", etc.
School competitions
Very often schools organizeintellectual evenings about a certain subject. So, teams can compete in knowledge in chemistry, mathematics, biology and so on. It is also important to choose the correct team name for the competition. However, again, do not forget that it can be humorous, why not. So, for example, if this is a mathematical contest, you can call it "Plus to minus", "X, Yyrk and all missing elements", "Brackets", etc. As for chemistry, such names as "In the Draft", "Litmus Paper", "Alchemists" are suitable. Environmentalists can be called "Past urns" or "Beavers", and economists - "Gold stock", "Bablo and Evil", "Golden Children", etc. In fact, there are still very many options. You just need to show creativity and come up with something fun, but, at the same time, smart and accurate.