How to choose curtains for a children's room
Each room in the house has its own uniquedesign, and children's - is no exception. It is her arrangement that brings a maximum of love and tenderness. Every detail is carefully thought out here: a bed, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a rug, wallpaper, etc. The curtains for the children's room are of considerable importance in the interior. From their choice depends not only the appearance of the window, but also the mood, and sometimes the health of the child.
Therefore, one of the important criteria for selecting childrencurtains is the environmental friendliness of the material from which they are made. In this case cotton is more preferable. This material is well washed, dries quickly and lets in air. From this it follows that the curtains for the children's room should also be practical, since they will get dirty much more often, which means they will need more intensive care. Also the curtain material must meet the safety requirements, that is not to be flammable.

Children's room must certainly be fullnatural light. To do this, it is better to choose the option, which combines dense curtains and light transparent tulle. Thus, it is possible to freely regulate the penetration of light into the nursery, pulling or pulling the curtains. In addition, this should be easily obtained from the child, which means that you need to pick up a strong cornice in advance and take care of its secure attachment.

It is desirable that the curtains for the children's room are notwere too expensive. After all, a room for a child is always connected with games, and sometimes with very active ones, so it's better not to worry once again about whether their child will tear them or not, but to buy curtains more simply and cheaper. Constant pulling of the baby, expressed in a ban on touching expensive items of the interior, will have a negative impact on the child's psyche. He needs complete freedom of action on his own territory.

Selecting the coloring of curtains in the nursery is also necessarypay special attention. It should be in harmony with the whole interior of the room. If the child is full of variety of tones and the presence of fairy-tale characters on the wallpaper, then curtains are better to choose quiet colors. Otherwise, excessive brightness will only irritate the child, making it easily excitable.

Curtains for the children's room can be decoratedvarious accessories. In specialty stores, they are presented in a wide range: grabs, bilateral magnets, holders and pelmets, made in the form of soft toys and favorite characters from cartoons and fairy tales. By purchasing them, you can transform any curtains into a nursery. Photos of even large colorful buttons looks very original, proves that this accessory is quite suitable for decoration.