/ Low blood pressure in pregnancy: how does it affect the baby?

Low blood pressure in pregnancy: how does it affect the baby?

Low pressure is an unpleasant phenomenon foreach person, but it does not represent a particular danger. Nevertheless, it is absolutely necessary to measure pressure during pregnancy. Low is the pressure, which is 90/55 mm Hg. Art. and below. The main thing is to know what pressure is normal for you, because for each person this indicator is purely individual. To do this, you need to measure pressure at a time when you feel good. It will be considered normal for you.

On the prevention and treatment of hypertension - increasedpressure, there is a lot of information, which can not be said about hypotension - reduced pressure. However, the lack of proper attention to this phenomenon is not entirely justified. Low blood pressure during pregnancy can be accompanied by unimportant state of health and such unpleasant symptoms as weakness, dizziness, nausea, fainting, palpitations. If there are no obvious signs of hypotension, this does not mean that it poses no danger. It affects the work of almost all organs of a pregnant woman and can lead to a lack of oxygen for the fetus. As a result of low pressure, placental insufficiency may develop, complications in the course of pregnancy and childbirth may occur.

In the first trimester of the "interesting situation", a lowpressure can cause toxicosis. In order to defeat low blood pressure in pregnant women, one must adhere to the right way of life, eat well, walk in the fresh air, do not sit in a stuffy room at the computer. Conventional low-pressure drugs for pregnant women are not recommended because they negatively affect the supply of various nutrients to the baby's body. It must be remembered that toxicosis and low blood pressure in pregnant women is intensified by a feeling of hunger. Therefore, try to eat more often, but in small portions, even if you experience nausea.

Low pressure during pregnancy requires specialattention to the content of salt and protein in the woman's diet. Iodized salt is especially good for maintaining a stable pressure. In addition, the use of salt causes a thirst in pregnant women, and with increased use of fluid, the volume of circulating blood increases.

If a woman has low blood pressure whenpregnancy, and also suffers from toxicosis, she simply needs to take complex vitamins, walk more in the open air and eat well. If all these measures do not help, then you need to start thinking about substances that increase pressure. These include such well-known products as strong tea, coffee, tsitramon. However, remember that caffeine is an undesirable substance in pregnancy. Therefore, treat the use of coffee as a medicine - take it only in case of a low-pressure attack.

In addition, there is a set of recommendations that need to be performed by pregnant women with low blood pressure:

- Do not rush to get out of bed, it is worth lying down a few minutes after waking up;

- include in the diet juices and protein products;

- with nausea, it is necessary to lie down and raise your legs to the top;

- exercise stimulates muscle tone, so perform special exercises for pregnant women;

- an effective shower is effective under reduced pressure.

If you have a low blood pressurepregnancy, you must carefully monitor your health, regularly measure pressure and follow the doctor's recommendations. Then your pregnancy will proceed unproblematically and end with the birth of a healthy child.

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